17 10 2012 2729652 بطاقة تعريف:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Message to the Hajjis, 1433 H

His Excellency, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s Message to the Hajjis (Hajj Pilgrims), 1433 H


In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful,

and from Him do we seek help.

Perpetual praises are due to God, all-Immaculate, who made the Ka'bah the Qiblah and Mauqif of the monotheists; salutations without end are in order upon God’s holy prophets— particularly his Eminence, the Seal of Prophethood (S)—who are the paragons of those who bow, prostrate, seek refuge and circumambulate the axis of the House of Tawhid; boundless benedictions are owing upon the immaculate and purified Family—especially his Eminence, the Seal of Sainthood, the extant and promised Mahdi (a)—who are the exemplars of the Hajjis, the mu'tamirin, and the visitors of the Sublime House that took shape with the architecture of Abraham and Ishmael and their prayer “Our Lord, accept it from us!” (2:127). We wish to near ourselves in friendship to these sacred souls and distance ourselves from their nefarious foes!...

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