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Under the initiative of Esra'a Institute of seminary Higher Education (Qom), the third session of the series on "considering the effect of philosophy on the interpretation of Quran" was held on Monday, November 21st, at Esra's Foundation for Revelation sciences.

Under the initiative of Esra'a Institute of seminary Higher Education (Qom), the third session of the series on "considering the effect of philosophy on the interpretation of Quran" was held on Monday, November 21st, at Esra's Foundation for Revelation sciences.

This meeting was organized by "Esra's Center for Islamic Philosophy for the 3rd level" with cooperation with  "Center for Tafsir and Qur'anic Sciences for the 3rd level" and " Center of the Thematic interpretation with Belief oriented Tafsir of 4th level". the lecturer was Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Professor Morteza Javadi Amoli.

In this meeting, Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Morteza Javadi Amoli discussed the topic of "Philosophical Ontology and Understanding the Quran. The Global Day of Philosophy has a special place for our dear Iran with its historical record in this regard, he said. He continued, "Iran was the base of philosophy and mysticism, and it has created great events from the bases philosophy and mysticism and built its civilizational dignity on the basis of philosophy and mysticism, and this dear country is still known for its wisdom, philosophy and mysticism. Insha'Allah, you will continue this path and become the flag bearers of this truth.


He stated, "Despite the fact that the Qur'an is a successful book in teaching and explaining its content to the public and common people, it is a completely scientific book. Still, it has communicated his contents and knowledge to the society. However, explanation, interpretation, and delivering its facts of higher levels and ranks to the society, needs explanation and interpretation, «لتبین للناس ما نزل الیهم» "you may clarify for the people that which has been sent down to them" 16/44. This is the position of interpretation. Interpretation provides a common understanding for the general people of this luminous book, but there are a lot of knowledges, facts and superior manifestations that the understanding of researchers and specialists can not reach them; let alone the common people. Therefore, Quran says, "أ فلا یتدبرون القرآن أم علی قلوب اقفالها" "Do they not contemplate the Qur'ān, or are there locks on the hearts?" 44/24. the encouragement and stimulation that one should ponders and thinks on Allah's verses and Quran, this verses should be fully understand, is in the context of Quran.

​​​​​​​ He stated: We should know while the Qur'an has brought the conventional understanding to the society, but that deep understanding, the understanding that if it wants to convey knowledge and facts, especially monotheistic knowledge and facts, to the society should be explained and interpreted correctly. Apart from the fact that the imams (peace be upon them) are at the top of the divine scholars, their heirs must also provide the correct explanation and interpretation.

in another part of his speech Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Morteza Javadi Amoli stated, "There is also a knowledge of philosophy, and the actual mission of knowledge of philosophy is ontology. What phenomenons are real, and what phenomenons does not have reality and are imaginary? We think they are real! What are the rules of existence? What are the general types of existence? This is types of difficulties considered in the philosophy."

 He continued, "I want to talk about the latest philosophical achievements, I want to say based on these achievements, we can bring such an understanding of the Qur'an to the society. On this side, let's mention a series of verses that have no conventional understanding at all, and no one can have a conventional opinion about these verses, even a scientific one; unless one is familiar with these basics and origins of this thoughts. I just want lights some sparks in your mind, to starts some thoughts in your mind, so you may follow in the future, Insha'Allah.

Professor Morteza Javadi Amoli stated, "We need our philosophy in our education, in understanding monotheistic teachings and divine truths, we are very much in need of philosophical knowledge. we do not want to study philosophy for the sake of philosophy, no! We, especially seminarians, seek to understand Quranic teachings, and without philosophical and wisdom, we will never understand such verses. Look at the interpretations, about the verse "کل شیء هالک الا وجهه"  "Everything is to perish except His Face" 28/88 there are many (none-philosophical) interpretations which has no bases in knowledge!

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