audio podcast; "Shorb Modam"

30 03 2023 1285693 شناسه:

جام معرفت؛ برگرفته از سلسله بیانات آیت الله العظمی جوادی آملی(حفظه الله)

دانلود فایل تصویری

audio podcast; "Shorb Modam"

Thursday 30 March 20

ID: 1285693

the grail of knowledge; Taken from the series of speeches of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Our Prophet said: "Your breath is rewarded in the month of Ramadan"; This breath you take is " سبّوح و قدّوس "! #Sanaei says that he who is a mystic has two Eids with every breath. Eid is the moment when the servant returns to his master; This #Eid is from "عود" which means return. when the #creature returns to its creator, it is his Eid. Sana'i says: "The Mystics should celebrate two Eids"; When the breath goes down, it gives thanks to God, and when the breath comes back, it gives thanks to God; But others are like spiders are hunting flies!

🔸 spiders spin a web and catch the fly, that's all! Sanai says that some people are the spiders of the society, who try to catch a corpse feed off it, some people talk with their God twice in one breath:

عارفان هر دمی دو عید کنند ٭٭٭ عنکبوتان مگس قدید کنند

Mystics have two Eide in one breath *** spiders catch flies

The late Hakim Sabzevari also says the same thing as Mr. Senai and says:

دم چو فرو رفت، هاست، هوست چو بیرون رود ٭٭٭ یعنی از او در همه، هر نفسی های و هوست

When you inhale, you say "ها" and when you exhale, you say"هو" *** all breath is repeat of his two names

When a living being inhale or exhale, it is the repeat of his two names! we understand this better in the blessed month of Ramadan; his holiness said that your breath is this month is worship of Allah. If someone learn the lessons of the holy month of Ramadan, he will think the same for all the other eleven months to come.

Akhlaq lessons 1385\05\14 (2nd of August 2006)

Link to special issues of Ramadan





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