01 07 2018 294885 ID:

Criticism and investigation of the suspicion of "heresy" about the method of interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an

Isra's information base: Some critics of the method of interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an have considered this method to be a heresy of Sunni commentators. This doubt is aimed at the interpretative method of some Shia interpretations, such as al-Mizan and Tasnim. In this article, we will...

Isra's information base: Some critics of the method of interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an have considered this method to be a heresy of Sunni commentators. This doubt is aimed at the interpretative method of some Shia interpretations, such as al-Mizan and Tasnim. In this article, we will criticize the mentioned claim and prove the spirit that governs this doubt, which is the wrong idea of ​​some...

Some critics of the method of interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an have considered this method to be a heresy of Sunni commentators. This doubt is aimed at the interpretative method of some Shia interpretations, such as al-Mizan and Tasnim. In this article, we will criticize the mentioned claim and prove that the spirit that governs this doubt is the wrong idea of ​​some Akhbarists about the impermissibility of interpreting the Qur'an for non-innocents, and interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an, at least within the scope of interpreting verses that are similar to firm verses, the explicit command of the innocents. Is; On the other hand, the theory of "Qur'an sufficiency in religion" expressed by the slogan "Hasbana Kitab Allah" is clearly different from "Qur'an sufficiency in interpretation" which looks at the sources of interpretation of the Holy Quran. As "the method of interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an" is clearly different from the theory of "the independence of the Qur'an". We will also prove that the method of interpreting the Qur'an with the Qur'an was founded by the Prophet (PBUH) and was used in the scientific life of the Ahl al-Bayt. They have not considered this method of interpretation as their monopoly. In addition, because there is no reason to limit it, many evidences prove its validity for others. We will also say that the application of this method is not reserved for Sunni commentators.

the writer:
Ali Madbar (Islamic)
Assistant Professor at the Islamic Science and Culture Research Institute
Two specialized quarterly journals of Qur'anic sciences and Ma'arij interpretation, second year, number 1 - serial number 3, autumn and winter 2015


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