07 05 2023 1429187 ID:

Dr. Emad Afrogh was a self-made man and a character of science, politeness, ethics and culture

For the Teacher's Week, the General Administration of Public Libraries of Kohgiluyeh and Boyar Ahmad Province, on Wednesday, Ordibehesht 13th, in the presence of university professors and cultural activists, examined the scientific and cultural personality, thought of the late Dr. Emad Afrogh.



For the Teacher's Week, the General Administration of Public Libraries of Kohgiluyeh and Boyar Ahmad Province, on Wednesday, Ordibehesht 13th, in the presence of university professors and cultural activists, examined the scientific and cultural personality, thought of the late Dr. Emad Afrogh.

Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen Morteza Javadi Amoli was one of the professors who attended this meeting and discussed the scientific and cultural personality of Dr. Emad Afrough.

He said in this regard: Dr. Emad Afrogh was a self-made man and a character of science, politeness, ethics and culture.

Mr. Emad Afrogh (may Allah's mercy be upon him) was a self-made man and had taken effective steps in the path of excellence and growth, and his personality was a personality of knowledge, manners, ethics, and education, and fairly, wherever he was, he was the symbol for these characteristics. There are few people who have thoughts and ideas on the one hand; On the other hand, also have style and taste, also be a free and independent person who, in truth, stands up for what he says, freely, and also has the characteristic of confidence and bravery. A person who has all these characteristics is very rare, at the same time he was active in serving the society, including the political, social, cultural and other scientific aspects, and this should be considered a real loss. if we have hadith, «سلم فی الإسلام سلمة لا یسدها شیء» He was a clear example of this, despite having these noble and valuable traits, he acted in such a way that his goodness and excellence movement was a model and example for many of his students and those who were interested in this thought."

Deep believe in religion, the biggest matter for Dr. Emad Afrough

The points that we must mention about this great and honorable personality is that there were several important issues for him and I feel the biggest issues for him was his religious beliefs and that he was interested in understanding religion first and enlighteningly and the sensitivities and precisions that is needed today for bringing religion to society. He was actually trying to be like this.

 Anyway, many people believe that religion should be the basis for action, but the religion act in the mosques and Hosseiniyehes is one thing, and the religion that act in politics and society and in the global class is another type. Mr. Emad Afrogh's efforts was that the religion that should now be presented to the world community and from that point of view we can guide the government and the power. The religion that is now presented to the society and it is used in praises and eulogies and the like, this religion definitely cannot be savior.  A religion with an approach of stagnation and inaction, on the one hand, a religion with an approach of extremism and violence, on the other hand, both of these are damaging to religion and break the religion."

But a religion that is accompanied by ethics, rationality and wisdom can procced to apply its teachings to society and politics at the level of the world community. He had an enlightened understanding of Islam and what is in the hands of the political powers and governments and the like today was not the religion that he was looking for. The angles he presented in political, moral, social and cultural topics always was based on religious sources, whether citing Quranic verses or the opinions of Mouli Al-Muwhidin Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) in Nahj al-Balagha. these were the things that actually made him a real religious, free man. One of the issues that he has in his writings is the discussion of the changes of our era and the presence of Allah Almighty in the society. This discussion was an answer to the Western thinkers who had in fact put religion and God aside and talked about the death of God. They said with all seriousness and courage that these words have been outdated; but now God is completely present in the social life."

Dr. Afrough's insightful understanding of Islam

This difference of opinion that exists between Western thinkers and our Islamic society. In this confrontation, they tried to show the presence of Allah, not with the kind of view that exists in traditional view; that petrified and old view. NO! Rather, at the end of those periods' religious belief and the presence of God in the society was ended. This is a warning to religious scholars that if we want to talk about religion, it should in such a way that can be present in society. It must be combined with rationality and wisdom. the authoritative view of religion and a religion that wants to dominate is not acceptable. The religion that has the status of despotism and arrogance is not acceptable at all. He (Emad Afrough) did not accept it at all, but he saw religion in the shade of rationality and wisdom with original intellectual and cultural sources."

Dr. Afrough was not expedient!

his concerns are also very significant. The issue of the conflict between right and expediency is clearly evident in his views, in his thoughts, in his opinions and opinions, and he was not an expedient thinker, but saw this expediency in the shade of obeying the truth, and he always used this conflict between truth and expediency for the benefit of the truth.

Another issue was the issue of social inequality. These are very precious concerns that a cultured and scholarly person with style and taste implemented in the society. The existence of such people who have thoughts and ideas as well as freedom and courage and can be effective is very important.

 Mr. Emad Afrogh, was a very precious gift for our society and our system. Such words were completely consistent with his freedom and he said that creating an atmosphere of social inequalities is fragile and causes the society to be divided into different, conflicting strata.

Necessity of intra-discourse critique in Dr. Afrogh's belief

One of the most important points in Mr. Afrogh's remarks was the issue of the theory of intra-discourse criticism, which he insisted that we should criticize our own discourse from within ourselves and criticize the problems that exist in the politics, culture, society, etc.

 Unfortunately, during these forty-odd years, was not paid attention to the issue of criticism as it should have been, but he were like a straight pillar who raised this flag and tried to create criticism from within the discourse of the government so that this criticism could be constructive and To remove the defects and weaknesses and reductions and shortcomings of the government. Some people think that criticizing is self-inflicted and they used to stop the critics and the critic's or break the pen who write criticism, but he freely raised the flag for criticism by expressing the discourse of intra-discourse criticism. He believed in critical rationality. In fact, he was the man of thought, and he emphasized that all decision must pass through rationality and be analyzed by wisdom.

Dr. Afrough was concerned about the weakening of the relationship between the government and the nation

One of the most important aspects that Dr. Emad Afrough considered even though he was raised from the fundamentalism and believed in the original foundations of religion, he belived in updating and presenting new aspects of religion and presenting the merciful face of religion to the society and to the world. This was one of the things that was very respectable and cherished in his opinion. The last issue that I wrote down to express my devotion to Mr. Emad Afrogh, was the issue of the government and the nation and the restoration of this relationship. He was very worried and very concerned and agitated about that this relationship between the government and the nation. it has become very weak and if this relationship is not taken into consideration, this system will definitely not be able to build a system that is compatible with the Islamic society. He was a man with an noble identity that said, "I take my identity from the honorable Imam, Imam Khomeini (may God have mercy on him) and the Wilayat Fagih" and he speaks from that position.

Therefore, he is someone who was align with the main and basic principles of this system and this political movement that the Imam (may God bless him and grant him peace) founded, but he was not agreed with every sound, every idea, every song issued by the government. but he said I am ready to sacrifice my life and I am ready to defend my opinion on various issues. «طوبی له و حسن مآب» God willing, may this line of thought along with lofty thoughts remain in our society with courage and courage and freedom and may his line of thought be continued by his friends and students.


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