08 06 2022 820978 ID:
In a meeting with students and professors of Najaf

Emphasis on the important position of authority/students are responsible for research

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Students are responsible for research, so they should not speak or write anything before research.  

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Students are responsible for research, so they should not speak or write anything before research.
According to Isra's information site, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, in a meeting with a group of students and professors of Najaf Seminary this morning, while celebrating the Decade of Dignity, said: "The Qur'an is noble and noble people can achieve its high meanings." If the Qur'an was revealed to the heart of the Prophet, peace be upon him, it was because he had dignity. The dignity of a position is not exclusive to the prophets, but we can also reach it within our limits.
They considered the concepts of the Qur'an to be beyond human understanding and acknowledged: some of the meanings of the Qur'an are understandable to everyone, but some of its meanings and concepts are beyond human understanding. If we can understand even the understandable concepts of the Quran, it is because God gave us the capacity to learn them.
His Holiness called research the duty of the students and stated: We are responsible for research. We should not speak or write anything before research, so it is necessary to become a jurist and a mujtahid. This is what Ahl al-Bayt wants from us.
He added: Today, the conditions for studying and researching in Qom and Najaf are available, so we should become like Sheikh Tusi and Khorasani Mukhon. We must ask God for this. All people ask God for prayers such as healing the sick and forgiving the dead, but we must ask God to give us the opportunity to become a scholar.
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, referring to the position of authority, said: The position of authority is very important. The Iranian revolution was carried out by a Marja and people are not ready to shed their blood except for the fatwa of the Marja, so we must know the importance of the position of jurisprudence, Marja and scholars.
It should be noted that at the beginning of this meeting, the spokesman of this group, while conveying the greetings of Imam Juma of Najaf, Hujjat al-Islam, Sadr al-Din Qabbachi, in the presence of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, emphasized the cultural commonalities of the people of Iran and Iraq, and the martyrdom of Haj Qasim Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis was a sign of the unity of the two. The nation knew.

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