Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli meeting with Egyptian priest - خبرگزاری اسراء
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli meeting with Egyptian priest
Esra NEWS Agency: Father Domadios al-Raheb, priest of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt, visited and talked with Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.
555Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli said, “human has three stages in life: one is the beginning, one is the end, and one is between the beginning and the end. The first is monotheism, and the last is resurrection, and between the first and the last is the straight path, that is, religion! All divine prophets are brothers, their speeches, behaviors, teachings, and advices are the same, even though their scientific and practical degrees are different. Hazrat Masih says: «انی کلمة الله» (I am the word of Allah) and also, وَسَلَامٌ عَلَیْهِ یَوْمَ وُلِدَ وَیَوْمَ یَمُوتُ وَیَوْمَ یُبْعَثُ حَیًّا». And the word describing the last of the prophets is that he is a mercy for both worlds. Allah says, “وَ ما أَرْسَلْناکَ إِلّا رَحْمَةً لِلْعالَمِینَ.”
He stated, “Islam, whether in Egypt, Iran, or any other places, all believe that mercy precedes usurpation. There is no leadership, decree, command, or prohibition for anger, but command and prohibition, attraction, and repulsion, all for mercy. «یا من سبقت رحمته غضبه» (O, the one who your mercy procced his wrath) It means that mercy precedes wrath, not that mercy is more than wrath.”
His Eminence stated, “Islam hates ISIS and its like, just as they hate Islam, and therefore there is no share in Islam for this type of thinking. Iran considers all Muslims, including Egyptians and non-Egyptians, as its brothers. We hope that when we meet God, like Jesus Christ, we will say السلام علينا يوم ولدنا و يوم نموت و يوم نبعث حيا. (May our birthday and the day of our death and our resurrection be blessed)