11 11 2023 2028135 ID:

Human beings must be oriented and follow the morality / Judgment Day is the day of reckoning, not the day of action / The current world is suffering from forgetfulness and therefore the Gaza issue will not shake humanity.

Esra NEWS Agency: The weekly Akhlaq session of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli was held this week at the Azam Mosque of Qom with the presence of various group of people.

Esra NEWS Agency: The weekly Akhlaq session of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli was held this week at the Azam Mosque of Qom with the presence of various group of people.

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli explained the 121st wisdom of Nahj al-Balaghah in this meeting.

His Eminence, “This is the wise and enlightening word of Nahj al-Balaghah in the 121st wisdom, «قال علیه السلام: شَتَّانَ مَا بَيْنَ عَمَلَيْنِ عَمَلٍ تَذْهَبُ لَذَّتُهُ وَ تَبْقَى تَبِعَتُهُ وَ عَمَلٍ تَذْهَبُ مَئُونَتُهُ وَ يَبْقَى أَجْرُهُ‏»؛ He said the pleasure of some actions is short-lived, but their bitter consequences are permanent, and there are some actions whose pain is short-lived, but their treasure and effects remain. The Prophet said that there is a great difference between these two types of action: an action which pleasure quickly disappears, but its bitter consequences and its bitter effects remain, and there are actions which pain passes, and its outward effect quickly disappears, but its spiritual effect remains. The secret is that the Allah the Most Holy Essence, who is the creator of the world, said material world is void without the eternal world; It means that Allah have created a world where everyone can do whatever they want, no accountability, no responsibility, no punishment, no reward, such a thing is a game and Allah are not gamer or actors.”

He said, ““La’ab” in Arabic means that it is something whose freshness is only for a moment and soon disappears. Aimless work is called “La’ab” (playing). Allah, the Almighty said that we are not a player, so if there is a material world that exists, there must be a day of accountability so this system would be wise.”

 Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated, “The Day of Judgment is the day of accountability, not the day of action. On that which measures every action with justice. He (Amir Al-Mumenin) said that the world is like a farm of the hereafter. This world is the place of business, some benefit, some loss. This profitability and loss, this productivity and deprivation is based on the measure and standard. It is difficult to determine that criterion. He (Amir Al-Mumenin) said, "We will install that measure and scale on the Day of Resurrection."

In stating what is that measure in the Day of Judgment, he stated, “The measure usually has three dimensions. the scale itself and the measure, which is a measuring tool; one. One side which the weight stones go on; two. the other side which the goods go on; three. This is the property of a scale. In the supplications of the imams (peace be upon them), we say about the blessed existence of Hazrat Amir: «السَّلَامُ عَلَی مِیزَانِ الْأَعْمَال‏». Our action would be measured by these scales; these are the right path. If something is in accordance with them, it is right. if it is not in accordance with them, it is wrong. These have their place and all of them are under a comprehensive principle that was specified in Surah "A'raf". ﴿وَ الْوَزْنُ يَوْمَذٍ الْحَقُّ﴾  it is not «و الوزن حق»! this means, they bring the truth and measure all the work with the truth. It is hard; The belief that we had, our prayers, our attitude, our behavior whether at home or outside, these are measured by "right". Therefore, if a person wants to build himself, he must recognize and know the truth.”

 His Eminence stated, “Everything has a measure and its own place. If the world continues in this current path, the result will be the Gaza war. There is no humanity at all. Nothing! There is not even a hint of humanity in them. This is what religion said that we have brought new words; you do not understand. Religion said that we have brought new things that are not even in the mind of by humans at all. What did religion bring. Religion said that there is a malignant tumor inside you that is bothering you. What science can discover this? You have an internal enemy, and this is malignant, and it wants to destroy our life, destroy our happiness, burn us. He said that your lusts and desires will eventually kill you, destroy you, trap you in this and that.”

He stated that Imams (Peace be upon them) taught us you must follow the truth and pursue truth, “The main thing is that if we know the truth theoretically, we become scholars, but practically if we follow it, then we become the manifestation of truth, then we don't go astray, we don't block anyone's way. The current world is suffering from forgetfulness according to the blessed verse of Surah "Jathiyyah". Those who say like infidels ﴿وَ قالُوا ما هِيَ إِلاَّ حَیاتُنَا الدُّنْیا﴾; first. ﴿نَمُوتُ وَ نَحْیا﴾; second. And ﴿وَ ما يُهْلِكُنا إِلاَّ الدَّهْر﴾; third. For them, the world has no afterlife. it is death and life without giving death and life. Such a world would end in nothingness! Therefore, you can see that the current situation in Gaza and the likes of Gaza does not shake them at all. These are like throwing balls on a handful of dirt!”

 Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli said, “human should know that human life is not just in this world, he is a traveler, he has a high goal, and human will be accounted for every action.”


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