28 01 2023 998736 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in a meeting with managers of Maarif departments of the national TV networks:

If Quranic teachings are followed, problems will be solved/ The Quran asks us to be reasonable and wise in our actions.

Israa NEWS Agency: A group of managers of the department of Maarif of the national TV networks met and talked with Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli today, Saturday, the 8th of Bahman, at his house.


Israa NEWS Agency: A group of managers of the department of Maarif of the national TV networks met and talked with Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli today, Saturday, the 8th of Bahman, at his house.

According to Israa NEWS Agency: Ayatollah Javadi in the meeting with A group of managers of the department of Maarif of the national TV networks stated, " The Holy Qur'an has opinion on three levels: national, regional and international, which must be heard and acted upon; Quran is a good guide and teacher for us (the monotheists) in the national and regional level and in the international level which talks about the humanity, it also has messages; The message of the Quran is that I have come to revive you«يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنُوا استَجيبوا لِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسولِ إِذا دَعاكُم لِما يُحييكُم» Believers, listen to God and the Messengers when they call you to that which revive you!

His Eminence said, "The Holy Qur'an has come to tell us that O human! You are not like a tree that first grows green and bears fruit and then becomes firewood and that's it! Rather, you are like a bird that is freed from its cage after death. know that death is not rotting, but coming out of the skin.

He stated, "Apart from the apparent life, we also have real life and humans are eternal and perminant being and not still. the permanency is opposite of decay. We have a permanent soul and a body that is either motionless or moving, so if we are permanent, we must seek permanent knowledge, and that is in justice and reason!

His Eminance said, "You, in the media, should try to prove that man is an eternal living being, and if we understand these Quranic teachings, there will be no more embezzlement, contradiction, lies, hypocrisy, and disagreements, and we will not have these internal problems and all will be lifted

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli said, "We all must try to be true Muslims, therefore, as the Qur'an asked us, our actions must be reasonable and wise, and we must move in such a way as to be teachers of the society, and this cannot be achieved unless we, first of all, start to better ourselves.

Referring to the recent Quran burnings, His eminence said, "Some people think that the Quran is like a book and a newspaper that by burning it, can stop the publication of its teachings. They are unaware that the Holy Quran has high teachings that This does not prevent publication of these messages! All these 8 billion people on the planet are governed by the same divine knowledge that expressed by divine prophets such as Ibrahim Khalil, Musa, Jesus and the beloved Prophet of Islam (peace be upon them).

He counted the Tasnim interpretation of Quran as one of the fruits of the Howzeh in these 40 years, and said, "When we started interpreting the Qur'an, we did not anticipate that the book of Tasnim interpretation would reach 80 volumes. but when we started the interpretation of a verse, we could not finish it as we wish. That was because there are many scholars and professors of the Howzeh at the class and they raised their own issues and questions so the topics would be fully explained! These are all blessings of the Holy Quran.

In another part of his speech, His eminence stated, "Allah created everything as a triangle; That means, all the creatures of the world have executer of the system, an ultimate and purposeful system, and an internal system, which means one side goes back to the origin of who created it, one side is what it was created for, and one side is internal system for everything. The Quran has come to tell us not to mutilate this triangle and it is the duty of the media to convey this message of the Quran, because it is clear, a mutilated knowledge is dead body in mortuary and like a dead soil cannot solve its own problems either!

The media should know the enemy's think tank and expose it to people.

in explaining the duties of the media, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated, "In one of the wars, when Amir al-Mu'minin (peace be upon him) gave the flag to his son Ibn Hanafia, told him not only to look at the enemy standing in front of you, but to look at the think tanks behind the scene. «ارْمِ بِبَصَرِكَ أَقْصَي الْقَوْمِ» look at the enemy in far away; Do not see this present army, but see their thinking room in Kufa and Sham! Today, we must also know where the enemy's thinking room is?! The media should know the enemy's thinking room and expose them to people.

At the end, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli said, "We hope that Allah, by the blessing of the pure blood of the martyrs, will bring goodness and prosperity in this world and the hereafter to us and all Muslims, all monotheists and all human beings. We wish for a day when there is nothing but peace and serenity! May your efforts be eloquent and mature in the media, and may you be more successful in the future, in carrying out this mission of publishing Quranic knowledge in the best way and achieve your goals.



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