Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Morteza Javadi Amoli, a professor in the Howzeh of Qom, said, "In the eyes of Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.), it is upon the government  to replace injustice with justice, misery with prosperity and deviation with guidance. Based on this, Imam Ali advises his ministers and subordinates to consider governance not a prey (for personal benefit and consumption) but a divine trust.”

Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Morteza Javadi Amoli stated in an interview with Shafaqna, "The divine Wilayat of Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) was made clear to the people in the event of Ghadir. The Prophet of Islam was ordered by Allah to appoint him as the Wali and caliph, and Ali (as) became the caliph of the Lord of the Universe and the Messenger of God (saww) over the Islamic community.”

He said: “The political system that the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) established by Allah's order, shows that politics is seen as a part of religion.Government and governance has been mentioned in various religious teachings.”

Referring to the verse «یَا أَیُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَیْکَ مِنْ رَبِّکَ ۖ وَإِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ» hesaid, “There is no doubt that this announcement is the announcement of the appointment of Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) as the caliph of the Prophet of Islam and the ruler of the Islamic Ummah. In this verse, Allah says to His Prophet that if this order is not carried out, nothing of your mission has been carried out.”

​​​​​​​We should understand that the origin of governance is based in religion

He stated, "Governing in the logic of religion, revelation, and the Qur'an isa divine affair, and Allah the Almighty has embedded this issue in religious texts. Wilayah, like prayer, fasting, and other commandments, even above them, should be the concern of the Islamic community. In the allegiance to Ali ibne Abi Talib (as), that signified the obedience and support of the people for the ruler, we see the Prophet (saww) ordered everyone to pledge allegiance to the Commander of the Faithful (as). These characteristics show we should consider the origin of governance as a religious matter and give a divine manifestation to the Wilayat of Ali bin Abi Talib in the matter of governance; like his Wilayat in other religious affairs.”

He said, "The acceptance and support of the people is one of themajor things that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) advised of. In any case, the matter of people and the government are two intertwined things that only occur together. Meaning that the ruler must be appointed by Allah Almighty, and the people must accept this ruler and support him based on their religious affiliation. Therefore, we can see when Ali bin Abi Talib (P.B.U.H.) left the stage of Ghadir and the event of Saqifa transpired, he was fully present on the sidelines of the government and the people and helped wherever necessary, but when his turn came, the matter became very different.  Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) behaved with the people based on the position of religious Wilayat and divine appointment. He made a statement saying, ‘I act on the basis of justice, the Qur'an, and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saww), and I will not fall short on acting based on justice.’ These grounds that Imam Ali (as) stated, explained the nature of his government;  that primarily, this is a divine position. although those who went to pledge allegiance to Imam Ali (as) did not have a deep understanding of this and considered the government as a material matter. But what convinced Imam Ali to accept the government is the oath that Allah takes from Imams and scholars of all times.”

He added, "Imam Ali's view of the government should be understood from this statement of his, "That what happens in my government happens by Allah’s will and being the representative of people is not the same appointment by divine Wilayat". Despite the people's vote and the widespread allegiance, Ali ibne Abi Talib (as), whilst also respecting the opinion of the people, considered the divine will as a condition for governance. Only justice and governing based on the truth is expected from such a figure. From this point of view, if he had recommendations and orders to his governors, it is because he considered the main basis and the main root of every decision, the divine will. He believed that Allah the Almighty, implements his orders and declares his wishes for the prosperity and tradition of society.”

Referring to the letter of Imam Ali (as) to Ash'ath bin Qays, the governor of Azerbaijan, in which Imam states, "Governing is not a prey for you, but a trust in your hands..." He said, "Imam (as) considers the government as a ground for using power in order to establish the truth, eliminate heresies and revive divine ways. In the eyes of Imam (as), the government should replace injustice with justice, misery with prosperity and deviation with guidance. Based on this, he advises his  subordinates to consider governance not a prey but a divine trust.”

Ali (as) is the embodiment of Allah's will for reviving traditions and fighting the falsehood.

He added: “The famous saying of Hazrat Ali  in which he used to say: ‘Government in my opinion is lower than an old shoe,’ is because power and government do not have intrinsic value,  rather power is a tool to restore truth,  destroy falsehood and revive equality. Therefore, «ان الله یامر بالعدل والاحسان» and other such religious guidance  require Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) as the manifestation of Allah's will, to have no inclination to anything but justice and seeking it. Therefore, we must look for the fundamental teachings in this letter of Imam (as) to Ash'ath bin Qais, the fact that divine will plays a major role in governing and that Ali (as) is the embodiment of the divine will in reviving traditions and fighting falsehood.”

He said about Imam Ali's (as) view of people in regards to the government, "All of the government is for the people, as the same way that all of the people should be for the government. First and foremost, Allah is the governer and then entrusts his manifestations and levels of administration to the imam, whilstd people are present in the whole scene. A society that has faith and belief in the Lord of the Universe and believe that Allah's will is based on truth and justice, would accompany the Imam in all aspects, just as the Imam is alongside the people in the manifestation of this divine will, and this companionship makes the government acceptable in the eyes of society.”

He said, "If we consider legitimacy separated from acceptability, people may not accept the government and distance themselves from it. Even if one wants to act on the basis of truth and justice, but the society is not with them and does not accept his ideology,that will would not actualize. Hence, the role of the people is a crucial role which must be present throughout the governance and the acceptance of and belief in an Imam who wants to be a manifestation of Allah's will must be desired by society.”

He emphasized, "The position of the people in governance is a central position, and this accompaniment serves as a basis for authentic governance. Otherwise, even if the ruler was to be Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) and the Holy Prophet (saww) and there is no acceptance from the community, that government will never have achieve  satisfaction.”

We should not consider this acceptance outside of religion and only see legitimacy as a part of religion.

 Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen Morteza Javadi Amoli, referring to the noble verse «رضیت لکم الاسلام دینا» said: This satisfaction is a very important matter that is unfortunately often neglected. The flow of political wilayat is a flow in which both the will of Allah plays a role and the will of the people plays a role in accepting this responsibility. We should not consider this acceptance outside of religion and legitimacy within religion. If we ignoreeither of them, surely neither of them will reach to the truth, and worthy government will not happen.”

He pointed out, "for a worthy governance, the will of the people is placed next to the will of Allah, and these two can create a good and worthy result.”

The separation between the Republic and Islam will lead to the fall of both

Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimeen Morteza Javadi Amoli stated, "The separation between the Republic and Islam will lead to the downfall of both. Neither republicanism will remain in the absense of Islam nor will Islamism remain in the absense of republicanism. We have a clear situation in terms of the government, and Imam Ali’s statement to Ash'ath bin Qais, is based on the foundations of this political stance.Nothing but the will of Allah and the will of the people, should interfere, even if a person sees something to be the truth. Therefore, the people's satisfaction and acceptance by heart and mind of the society should be taken into consideration.”


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