25 05 2023 1502999 ID:

It is necessary for Howzeh to pay attention to the conditions of the time and the location in ijtihad / the capacity of Howzeh is provided by science itself

Esra NEWS Agency: The 24th meeting of the professors of higher and Kharij levels of the Qom seminary was held on Wednesday (3rd of Khordad 1402) in the mosque of Imam Hassan Askari (peace be upon him) and with the speech of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.

Images of this meeting

Esra NEWS Agency: The 24th meeting of the professors of higher and Kharij levels of the Qom seminary was held on Wednesday (3rd of Khordad 1402) in the mosque of Imam Hassan Askari (peace be upon him) and with the speech of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, in a speech at the gathering of high-rank teachers, by honoring the Decade of "Kiramat", stated, "The first Surah that was revealed in the Qur'an is Surah Alaq, and Allah introduces Himself in the first verses that He revealed and He said, ﴿اقْرَأْ وَ رَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ﴾. If they say that in a certain teacher, a jurist teaches, that means he teaches jurisprudence. If a teacher teaches an exegete, that means he teaches an exegesis course. Allah says in the first verses, "I am the dignified God" and invites human societies to participate in the class of dignity and study dignity."

His Eminence stated, ""Kiramat" is an Arabic word that has no equivalent. we also refer to the "Karim" as the great, while Karim is different from the great! "Karim" is the description of angels; «بِأَيۡدِي سَفَرَة * كِرَامٍ بَرَرَةٍ» means the education of the mosque, the Howzeh and the religious centers of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, is upbringing of angels and angelic behavior!"

He said, "In the last verses of this Surah Al-Alaq, in a tone that is full of dignity, it says: ﴿أَلَمۡ يَعلَم بِأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَرَىٰ﴾He doesn't say, "Don't sin because you will be deprived of heaven or don't sin because you will go to hell and Allah will punish you, but don't sin! Don't you know that Akram sees! Therefore, the first surah that was revealed talks about becoming an angel. It means the core is dignity, and this dignity is the description of angels; Religion wants people to be "Karim"."

His Eminence said, "We, who are next to the court of Karima Ahl al-Bayt, just as Iran is next to the court of the noble kingdom of Ahl al-Bayt, the blessed existence of Imam Reza, may God bless him and grant him peace, we should appreciate this dignity. We should thank the blessings of Howzeh and the Islamic system. Islamic society should appreciate; Muslim Umah should recognize this blessing."

In another part of his speech, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, referring to the anniversary of the battel of Khorramshahr, stated, "Today is the anniversary of the battel of Khorramshahr, which Allah has conquered the Khoramshahr; but Allah the Holly essence, has a secret word with his messenger; He says: Although you shot, we are the shooters. «و ما رمیت اذ رمیت ولکن الله رمی» From this words, he said to the disciples of the Prophet in a more open, finer and more precise and subtle manner; He said, although you fought and killed, but «فلم تقتلوهم ولکن الله قتلهم»there are a huge scientific difference between these two verse. In the first one Allah has related the shooting to the prophet and said «و ما رمیت اذ رمیت ولکن الله رمی» but when the Mujahedeen won the battle, they become completely ananyms and said: You did not kill at all; But it is my job«فلم تقتلوهم»he did not say «فلم تقتلوهم اذ قتلتموهم ولکن الله قتلهم» (you did not kill them when you killed them but I killed them) but he says: you did not kill them at all. This lesson is another lesson; This school is another school; This work is the work of the warriors, but Allah relate to it as his own work and said: «فلم تقتلوهم ولکن الله قتلهم»"

 His Eminence said, "The conquest of Khorramshahr is the creation of your students. Many Talabeh went and martyred; They were either listening to a religious speaker; or they participated in the congregational prayer; or they were at the mosque, or the Howzeh, or participated in Karamet program or Modaress program that managed well this eight-year war. The stranger should know and the who are familiar with these concepts must know it deeper that this system nourished by the knowledge of Howzeh; This system nourished at the table of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, we hope that we remain thankful to; No one should allow himself to insult the safe sanctuary of someone's turban, or the cloth of Ulama. These are those who are the successors of Imams (peace be upon them) and the guardians of religion; There are the successors of Imams and the guardians of religion in the time of danger; The first group that formed the fighting line were the scholars and the students of Howzeh. When you check the statistics of martyrs of the clergy compared to their number, they have the highest rate of martyrs than all the other Jobs, so the system and the country of Iran are indebted to the Howzeh; however, they have done this for Allah, and they get their reward from Allah, the Most Holy Essence."

In another part of his speech, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli noted, "The main focus of the discussion of this substantial and deep scientific gathering is the capacities and problems of the Howzeh; You are aware that material containers get full; But the capacity of the unmaterial container is increased by filling them. The enlightening expression of Ali, peace be upon him, is that: every container in the world decreases its capacity by filling it; «كُلُّ وِعاءٍ يَضيقُ بِما جُعِلَ فيهِ إلاّ وِعاءَ العِلمِ؛ فإنَّهُ يَتَّسِعُ بِهِ»he said: The container of knowledge is different from all the other containers in the world. The heart, the spirit, the soul is divine; If a student in the Howzeh or a student in the university, when he entered the classroom, if he had the capacity of 10 scientific equations, when he learned 2 scientific equations, tomorrow he will find the capacity of 12 scientific topics; This container expands by filling it. It is not like filling it means that the capacity gets less. The description of Sadr is learned from such lightened teachings.

He stated, "The capacity of the Howzeh is formed by the knowledge itself; We must know, God willing, there is no shortage in this regard; In the capacity of the Howzeh, one part is that knowledge itself brings capacity; Another part is that scholars bring capacity; As a result, however, there would be no gain with no pain. If a scholar is looking for knowledge and learning, he should listen and learn what the professor says; He should look and study and learn what is in the book and the inscriptions. his capacity is the same as the capacity of knowledge and it expands to the same extent, but if he takes another path, which is a more important path, and becomes one of the scholars who became the heirs of the prophets, apart from knowledge of learning and studding He also learned the knowledge that he would inherit. Apart from reading and writing day and night, he did not neglect the morning and dawn prayers, and now that it is the beginning of Dhu al-Qa'dah until the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah, which is forty nights and days, he did not forget Arbaeen Kalimi. He was from those who have special program for forty days, he did not forget this Arbaeen Kalimi, he had followed the path of Kalim Haq, according to the light statement of the beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, he said: Be careful; this "be careful" means «طهروا افواهکم» watch your mouth; Always be pure; Not only with ablution, not with ghusl, with the purity of the speech environment; that the scholar says nothing but knowlege; he Doesn't listen to unresearched words from the Howzeh; He does not say a word that is not about new authorship, new editing, new initiative, new composition. He must speak of new achivments."

His Eminence continued, "Aren't we visiting the shrine of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them)? Aren’t we told to be different from the common people? Aren't we told that when you go on a pilgrimage, the goal is not just for forgiveness of your sins and your father's; Asking for forgiveness and the good of this world and hereafter, sure! But in the presence of the Imam, say "I have come to your court" «انی محقق لما حققتم»; I came to be a new Marja; become a new researcher and author; I want to be also become "Sheikh Ansari" and "Sahib Jawahir" and like that teacher and that commentator of Quran. «انی محقق»is not just all«اغفر»  "forgiveness". What I said is the highest level of«انی محقق لما حققتم و مبطل لما ابطلتم»; "And «و محتمل لعلمکم» and we tell Imam you told us we have special knowledge and we accepted that; You said that your special knowledge is possessed by prophets, saints and messengers. We accepted all of that; You said, «او عبد امتحن الله قلبه للتقوی» We came to be like that. We came to carry your knowledge; These are the sentences to ask Imam. These are the meaning of prayers and pilgrimages; I have come to you to help me carry out your knowledge burden. These are the work of the Howzeh."

He said, "If someone walks this path, he would be one of the scholars «علم الدراسه بودن»which has the special capacity. Knowledge gives him that capacity, not himself; what is apart from this, it would be part of «علم الوراثه» When he became the heir of the Prophet and the heir of the Imam, you note that we have a financial transfer; We have a hereditary transmission; In inheritance, property is not transferred; In inheritance, the inheritor replace the original owner; The essential difference between acquisition and inheritance is, In acquisition, property is transferred; In inheritance, the heir takes the place of the original owner; If we are told the scholars are the heirs of the prophets; It is possible for them to sit in the place of prophets and imams. It is possible for Imams to appoint us as their caliph and deputy. Capacity is sometimes for knowledge which in «علم الدراسه» has part, but sometimes is for the scholar which in «علم الوراثة» has part."

He stated, "There is a subtle statement of late Imam, may God's mercy be upon him, which he said: Time and place are involved in ijtihad. The Howzeh should understand the expressions of the Ahl al-Bayt which time and place are involved in ijtihad; This attention brings new capacity for the Howzeh and increase it. In these ways, knowledge and the needs of the day progress and so on."

As an example of the effect of time and place in ijtihad, he made some examples, "In the discussion of charity, there are a series of traditions that a man is free to give charity from his own property; But if a woman wants to give charity from her own property, which is either her inheritance or her earnings, she must have her husband's permission, and there are also traditions that contradict this; In the meeting between these two kinds of Hadithes, some of our jurists said that even though the traditions that say that a woman's charity should be given by her husband's permission; Its appearance is mandatory but they really mean Recommendation. But what the imam said is that time and place are involved in ijtihad, we are not allowed to change the meaning or the orders between the conflicting Hadith? That is, we should not change Wajib to Mostahab. But Imam said if men and women reach intellectual development, there is no need for the woman to ask permission from the man; But if there was no intellectual and social growth, there is no problem; This is what Imam Khomeini said that time and space are involved in ijtihad. Or in the discussion of sculpture, which is now a children's play tool and no one considers it religiously forbidden; At this time, is it still haram to sculpt what have soul? These are topics that should be discussed in the Howzeh!”

In another example, he added, "Sometimes there are discussions about real and legal personality, and it is well-known among jurists that if a group is coordinated and connected for a crime, for example three people have a sword in their hand to kill and the other three to help for collecting information and surveillance and the like; The famous word of our jurists is that those three people who have weapons in their hands are considered as "Muharib" and their sentence is death. And those three people who are watchers and the like, are not "Muharib", but when we, prepared the judicial bills in the Supreme Judicial Council, and in addition to looking at the jurisprudence of the three eras, ancient and later, we also referred to the Imam's fatwa, so that we apply his opinion too. In this matter, it seemed to us that this legal entity is "Muharib", because when they divide the work and sometimes give this person this position; And sometimes they give that person this position; Therefore, it is a legal entity that must be sentence as "Muharib" and should be executed; we told Imam, he agreed to our opinion and from then on, sentences issued on the legal person, not the real person. We have a lot of this type of work that solves the problems of the society, both in judicial and legal issues. If scientific capacity increases, many problems will be solved."



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