31 08 2023 1830780 ID:

If we want to have a stable and everlasting Howzeh , the Quran must be its main lesson

Esra's information site: On the eve of the new academic year of the seminaries of Mazandaran province, Imam Juma and the representative of the Wali Faqih of this province, with a group of scholars and professors, seminary officials and a group of students of Mazandaran seminaries attended the...

Esra's information site: On the eve of the new academic year of the seminaries of Mazandaran province, Imam Juma and the representative of the Wali Faqih of this province, with a group of scholars and professors, seminary officials and a group of students of Mazandaran seminaries attended the weekly Akhlaq session of Ayatollah Javadi.

in this meeting which was held on Thursday morning 9th of Shahrivar Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated, “the School of The Master of Martyrs (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has a statement about the life of his holiness and an instruction to us. The first sentence is «أَعْظَمَ اللَّهُ أُجُورَنَا [و اجوركم] بِمُصَابِنَا بِالْحُسَيْنِ(علیه السلام)»  and this means that this martyrdom is not  the end of this movement. It is also true in every mourning and calamity. We gives our condolences to every afflicted person but the message of Ashura is the second element and the second duty: «وَ جَعَلَنَا وَ إِيَّاكُمْ مِنَ الطَّالِبِینَ بِثَأْرِهِ(علیه الصلاة و علیه السلام)»  This order for the month of Muharram, which is not just one sentence. It would be wrong and unproductive to say the first sentence without the second sentence. Karbala is instructive, because it also carries the second element, «وَ جَعَلَنَا وَ إِيَّاكُمْ مِنَ الطَّالِبِینَ بِثَأْرِهِ(علیه الصلاة و علیه السلام)» because they martyred our father, we want retribution.”

He said, “If the Holy Prophet said to Amiralmomenin, "Me and you are the fathers of this nation," no one can say why you ask for tribute; it does not concern you? We say that our father was martyred. When we are their children, we must follow their path. To follow this path, now that we are about to start studying in the new year, we should see how they did manage the Howzeh? How did they manage the cultural society? What is the cultural pole of a nation? These are our duties.”

He stated, “There are several chapters and several principles in the enlightened statements of Hazrat Amir (peace be upon him) for scientific centers, especially seminaries, then universities and other centers. The first principle is what is knowledge and the truth of knowledge? The second principle is that the study of this knowledge is associated with turbulences, problems, poverty, etc.? Or do they hinder the study of science? The third principle is self-sufficiency in science. This means the Alevi community, the followers of Hazrat Amir (peace be upon him) are independent in knowledge, and  they are mujtahids. Borrowed and imported knowledge does not solve the problem. Knowledge should erupt from within and man should be independent in knowledge. Then what is the fourth and fifth principle, gradually, the duty of the scholar towards himself? What are the main sources of knowledge? And how should Howzeh be managed?”

He then stated, “The first principle is that knowledge does not fill and block the way for anything, it makes room for itself and gives space to others. It is the characteristic of knowledge. knowledge does not intercept anything. Hazrat Amir has an enlightening statement that «كُلُّ وِعَاءٍ يَضِیقُ بِمَا جُعِلَ فِیهِ إِلَّا وِعَاءَ الْعِلْمِ»"The whole vessel is getting full when something poured in to it except for the vessel of knowledge" which means that although knowledge is placed in a person's soul, it is different from all the things of the world, because everything, when it enters the container, narrows the space. But a student who can understand ten scientific subjects, as soon as he understood five scientific subjects, now he understands fifteen subjects. He said to know means to know that knowledge brings capacity and not decreases capacity. who does not cooperate with others is not a scholar.

He continued, “They told us that now that it is clear what knowledge is, try to become a scholar. Don't be away from learning, don't say it's enough. The first moment of ignorance of a student or Talabe is to say, I graduated. Learning and discussions until the last breathe. He said, «کُونُوا اَوعِيَةَ العِلمِ»Try to be a container of knowledge, there is no limit. As science comes, the capacity of the scholar would be increases and expands by more knowledge.”

He then stated, “We have a pool that is a container of water, we have a spring that is a container of water. Hazrat said that I said that you should be a container of knowledge, «کُونُوا ینابیع العلم»  means try to be a spring that knowledge boils from you. He said that you are a student, you have a university, try to be a source of knowledge that no one can stop you.”

He said, “A person who entered the seminary should try to be at least a partial mujtahid, then with the rest of his work - God willing,- he will become an absolute mujtahid. Allah's table and blessings are open for grasp for everyone, but its paths are clear. Hazrat clarified these paths, he said, the words you speak, the food that enters your mouth, the words that come out of your mouth, this path must be pure and clean.  «طهروا افواهکم فانها طرق القرآن»  Allah created this mouth for the Quran.”

His Eminence stated, “The basis of the work is the Holy Quran. If we want to have a stable and meaningful Howzeh , the Quran must be its main lesson. Therefore, our first and most important lesson – Inshallah -  should be the Qur'an and know that we should not worry. let's see who we are dealing with? Because we are doing business with him, and he keeps the Howzeh warm and returns the outcomes, and the immigrants - Inshallah- try to maintain their relationship with their centers.”

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated in another section, “Hazrat Amir said in Nahj al-Balagha that you should not pressure your children to educate them like you «لا تقسروا أولادكم على آدابكم» don’t want your children to follow the same customs and traditions that you had. This is not right because he was created for today's generation. It is the same for the Howzeh and universities. It is not permissible to teach the same lesson that was taught in the Howzeh a hundred years ago in the same style. It is not right to ask the same lesson and discussion that they had in the universities a hundred years ago or to  act in the same style in the universities today. After all, science has progressed, industries have progressed, cosmology has changed, although our main outlines and principles remain the same, but its quality, characteristics, and manner must be in a style that solves society's problems today.”


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