Isra's information base: On the occasion of the 10th of Rajab, the birth of Imam Muhammad Taqi Javad Al-Aeima, peace be upon him, we are reviewing some passages from the sayings of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, focusing on the position and personality of that Imam.
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, referring to the childhood of Imam Javad (peace be upon him) and the transmission of divine knowledge by his honorable father to him, said, "When Imam Javad was born, the Imam Reza (peace be upon him) loved this baby. As Masoudi narrates in the book Ethbatu Al-Wasyah, " كان طول لیلته یناغیه في مهده " during many nights Imam Reza (may God bless him and grant him peace) until dawn, he used to pray and talk to Imam Javad. (Peace be upon him) someone said to Imam Al-Reza"It is not appropriate for a father like you to recite Zikr by the side of a child's crib so that the child sleeps." Imam Reza answered, "I am teaching him the divine knowledge " This was the work of that father and that son (peace be upon him).
When (peace be upon him) reached the high position of Imamate in his childhood, they asked him is it possible for a child to attain the high position of Prophethood or Imamate. He said, ﴿وَ آتَیناهُ الْحُكْمَ صَبِیاً﴾. this is a what shows that if someone has the divine knowledge, Allah, the Divine Essence will grant him such a position. Then, when he came to the society, his most important work was interpreting the Quran and spreading the teachings of the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt.
In another part of his speech, he interpreted a verse from the Holy Quran about investigation of different opinions of different schools from the enlightened words of the Ninth Imam (P.B.A.H) and expressed, "Allah the Almighty commanded us all in the Holy Quran in Surah "Zumar" and said: Those who examine different schools of thought and choose the best one, give them the good news﴿فَبَشِّرْ عِبادِ ٭ الَّذینَ یسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَیتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ﴾ . The blessed existence of Imam Javad (P.B.A.H) for explaining this kind of verses to everyone, told us: Whoever listens to a speaker is worshiping him! The meaning of this saying is not about the action of listening, but it also includes some other actions; it is as he said if a person listens to someone's words, looks at someone's article, reads someone's newspaper, listens to someone's speech, listens to someone's audio and wants to accept it, he should know that he is worshiping him. If the speaker is talking about Allah, the audience is worshiping Allah and obeying the Prophet. if he talks falsely, God forbid, then he is worshiping Satan. Therefore, this enlightening Hadith refers to the point that we should never accept any writing, speech or dialog without research and analysis.
In one of his classes, his eminence referred to the moral advice of the Ninth Imam (peace be upon him) which introduced this world as a place of patience and tolerance in the face of problems and said, "Someone asked moral advise from the blessed existence of Imam Javad (peace be upon him). Hazrat answered, "Do you accept or just want to hear something? He said, I accept. He said, "If you accept, know this truth, this place (this world) is for testing and a place of tolerance. It is a mistake if anyone think that he can have comfort and ease in life here. The one who built this system and built this world said: There is no place of comfort here, and who is more truthful than Allah? ﴿وَ مَنْ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ اللّهِ قیلاً﴾ But nevertheless, he swore and said: ﴿لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا اْلإِنْسانَ فی كَبَدٍ﴾ Verily We have created man into toil and struggle. Man was put in pressure, suffering, pain, toil and hardship, the structure here is this; This literature structure is for oath. "Kabad" means pain and suffering, pressure and problems; one has financial pressure, another has family pressure, one has political pressure and one has social pressure. No one is with no pain. Remember, those who have a good financial situation sleep with sleeping pills. it's not like they are comfortable. now someone thinks that these seventy and eighty years will be easy, no, comfort is in another place where﴿لا لَغْوٌ فیها وَ لا تَأْثیمٌ﴾ on the one hand ﴿الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ الَّذی أَذْهَبَ عَنَّا الْحَزَنَ﴾ On the other hand.
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli also considered it possible for humans to reach high levels in this world and the hereafter and stated, "The blessed Imam Javad (peace be upon him) said, "Trust in God is the price of everything expensive and the stair to anything dignified" to reach high levels, The high places of heaven, scientific and practical position, piety in this world and the high levels of heaven in the hereafter are of course difficult; But trust and confidence, to the grace of Allah, is the price of any expensive commodity. Imam Javad, peace be upon him, says: Achieving high position and reaching positions such as Salman's position, Abazar's position, and Miqdad's position are available. You have the stairs to reach these positions. Don't say Salman and Miqdad have reached those positions and it is not possible for us. if a position is very high, you have the stairs to that position, and that is the trust in Allah.
Source: the lecture in 2nd of August 2005 and the Akhlaq class in 16th of August 2017