12 07 2023 1685778 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli;

Our society today needs modesty and hijab / A woman can reach the position of being a role model for all the good people in the society

Esra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, “the soul of human is none-physical and divine, and is not male nor female, and everyone must purify the soul.”




Esra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli has always emphasized the importance of the role of women in his speeches and says that women should not present themselves cheaply. On the occasion of Modesty and Hijab Day, we review some of the words of His Holiness about women.

he said, “the soul of human is none-physical and divine, and is not male nor female, and everyone must purify the soul.

The mission of the prophets, which is the teaching of the book, wisdom, and the purification of souls, is for the human soul, and the human soul is neither male nor female; Because the soul is not physical. The expressions of the Holy Quran are also the purification of souls: ﴿وَ نَفْسٍ وَ ما سَوَّاها ٭ فَأَلْهَمَها فُجُورَها وَ تَقْواها﴾. It is about the purity of the soul, and the soul is neither male nor female; Islam deals with human souls. human beings are neither male nor female. But what is important is that religion is dealing with human, with human's identity, and with man's soul. This soul is neither male nor female, therefore, in Islam, none of the divine perfections is just for male or forbidden on female. The issue of prophethood, mission, imamate, Marjaeyat, these are executive tasks, executive tasks are the responsibility for men. Some of the tasks are common, but the support of prophethood, the support of the mission, the support of the Imamate and the Caliphate is the same high position of the Wilayat which is open for women. Women can become the guardian of Allah, as man can also.

The importance of marriage

Becoming a mother is one of the best duties of a woman, but now she is both studying and mothering. This is considered as a religious virtue. Marriage does not mean the union of male and female, which is common for plants and animal too. Whether a man or a woman, when they get married, half of their religion is protected, marriage is a royal affair, not a royal affair. But the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that when a woman or a man gets married, half of their religion is preserved, marriage is a divine matter, not an earthy matter. Now you can see what glory and magnificence, Allah has for the modesty of a woman and respect for a woman.

Explaining the women's perfection and position

The perfection of a woman is in the interpretation of the Qur'an, it is in the interpretation of the Nahj al-Balagha, the perfection of a woman is in the fact of what Imam Khomeini said that from her arms the man will go to the Me’eraj. God forbid, don't present yours cheaply. Don't underestimate the greatness and glory of women. When Allah the Holy essence orders the Prophet (PBUH), he says to remember Mary﴿وَ اذْكُرْ فِي الْكِتابِ مَرْيَمَ﴾ This is the prophet that Allah talking to! According to Saadi, it is not every woman can raise a righteous child, "A child of knowledge, cannot be raised by an ignorant mother." Motherhood is one of the best and most prominent positions of a woman. [1]

The basis of work is closeness to Allah, purity and killing lusts and desires

At the beginning of Islam, there were many women who converted to Islam before their husbands, while their husbands continued to use swords in the way of disbelief. So, the basis of work is the closeness to Allah, purity, and killing lusts and desires. If you want to make knowledge and wisdom your treasure, you have to different kind of wings! According to the saying of Hazrat Amir, peace be upon him, those who are more successful in Allah presence are those who have killed their desires first.

 These issues should be explained to the women of the society in a wise and sensible manner and conveyed to the society that the one who created human said to cover your head, neck and chest with a cloth. The one who takes off his headscarf does not know that he is standing in front of a Quran who said, «لْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَى جُيُوبِهِنَّ».

Hair, which is a means of adornment, in our jurisprudence is sacred and harming it, even has a fine. it means if someone shaves or damages another person's hair, he must pay a fine. Allah has determined and ordered that women's hair should be covered.

Our society today is in great need of Modesty and hijab. The Quran says that a good woman can be a role model for a good society. Here we are not talking about men and women anymore. Quran says that Maryam (pbuh) is the role model for all good people in society, as a result, a woman can reach the position to be a role model for all good people in a society. [2]

Speech archive:

1. Meeting with the student sisters of Mazandaran Howzeh 1395

2. A group meeting of managers, professors and students of Jamia Al-Zahra community 1396

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