27 11 2023 2063930 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli:

People deserve to be treated with good management, with courtesy and respect and on the basis of dignity.

Esra NEWS Agency: Dr. Pazuki, the president of University of Medical Sciences and the accompanying delegation met and talked with Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli at his house.

Esra NEWS Agency: Dr. Pazuki, the president of University of Medical Sciences and the accompanying delegation met and talked with Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli at his house

In this meeting, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, referring to the Fatimid days and the anniversary of the martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon her, stated, “We say in the calamities of the imams, peace be upon them, and on the Day of Ashura«اعظم الله اجورنا و اجورکم بمصابنا بالحسین (علیه السلام) و جعلنا و ایّاکم من الطالبین بثاره» which has two parts. First part is the expression of condolences and devotion to the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, and the second part is our responsibility, which we ask Allah to give us the opportunity to punish their precious blood. This is the official slogan of us, the Shiites.”

He said, “We ask Allah to revenge the blood of Hussain bin Ali (peace be upon him) because we are the children of Hussain bin Ali (peace be upon him). Why? Because the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) «أنا و علی أبوا هذه الامّة». It is real fatherhood and sonship. In fact, Shia is the son of Hussain bin Ali (peace be upon him).”

His Eminence said, “We are born great in two respects, both because we are Muslims and Shiites, and according to the noble Hadith, we are the children of pure imams, and because we are Iranians and we live in a great country that has both history and geography. We have great scholars and scientists such as Ibn Sina and Abu Rihan al-Biruni, so people deserve to be treated with good management, with courtesy and respect and based on dignity.”

He said, “In the first verses that God revealed, He said: «اقرأ وربک الاکرم», I am the Holy God and I teach dignity. Dignity is the description of angels, and we should try to become angels like.”

In another part of his speech, His Eminence referred to the high position of Hazrat Zahra, may God bless her and grant her peace, and stated, “It is stated in the hadiths that when Hazrat Zahra was entering to the presence of beloved Prophet of Islam و کانَتْ إذا دَخَلَتْ علی النبی (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم) قامَ إِلیها ; That is, whenever Fatimah (peace be upon him) entered, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) would get up from his place and go to Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon him). The important point is that in the mentioned hadith, «قام اِلیها», not قامَ لَها. There is a deep difference between these two interpretations. Also, the late Kuleini narrates in a hadith that after the death of the Prophet, Gabriel often came to the presence of Hazrat Zahra «وَ كَانَ يَأْتِيهَا جَبْرَئِيلُ ع». Gabriel came frequently! Gabriel does not come for every prophet, but Gabriel came to serve Hazrat Zahra!”

He then stated in the position of Hazrat Zahra, “The late Kuleini in his Sharif Kafi book narrates a detailed account from the blessed existence of Hazrat Amir «وَ هَذِهِ الْخُطْبَةُ مِنْ مَشْهُورَاتِ خُطَبِهِ ع» In this sermon, the His Holiness answered a doubt that if he had not opened the knot, this doubt would have remained for many people and that doubt was about creation: Did God create the world "from something"? Does it mean that there were particles, God collected these particles and gave them a form? Or God created it "from nothing"? it means, God collected nothingness and created the world from nothingness. that is not possible! The late Kuleini says that Hazrat Amir solved this suffocating and breath-taking doubt with that enlightening sermon in which he said: You did not understand the principle of contradiction! The opposite of "From something" is not "from nothing". these are both positive promises. The opposite of "from something " is "not from something". Now that you get this, raise your head to understand. You did not understand the principle of contradiction at all, about the creation of the world; Did you ask whether God created the world "from something" or "from nothing"? We say: This question is wrong! You did not understand the contradictions at all. Ask the right questions. Say: Did God create the world "from something" or "not from something"? We say: "not from something". Allah is the originator of the world. God did not create the world from nothing, He innovated it. Because he innovated, it is "not from something", not "from nothing"! This greatness of Amirul Momineen's sermon was clarified, but the beginning of Hazrat Zahra's Fadakiyeh sermon is the same statement. That means 25 years before Hazrat Amir give this sermon. Now the late Kuleini did not get that sermon to say who Hazrat Zahra was!”


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