17 06 2023 1594595 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in a group meeting with American and Canadian university professors:

Prophets came to tell us that you live forever\ eternal human wants an eternal sustenance/the sustenance for the eternal path is the two basic principles: do not go astray and do not block anyone's path.

Esra information base: A group of professors from American and Canadian universities visited and talked with Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli at his house in Ahmedabad, Damavand.



Esra information base: A group of professors from American and Canadian universities visited and talked with Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli at his house in Ahmedabad, Damavand.

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated in this meeting, “There are two basic principle that can nourish you in your path, one is a deep scientific knowledge, which is the relationship between human and Allah, and the second knowledge is to see how the relationship between human with other Human beings and the world of creation must be!”

His Eminence said, “In these two aspects, there is no difference between the prophets, I mean in what kind of relationship we have with our creator and what kind of relationship we have with the creatures. all the prophets, especially the blessed existence of Jesus Christ and the Prophet of Islam said the same thing. the quality and characteristics of worship may have differed due to the difference in time and place, nonetheless the prophets confirm each other's words, and the beloved Prophet of Islam confirms the words of all the prophets of the past.”

He expressed about the core and common problem between humans, “Both the West and the East have experienced two bitter world wars, and now they are also experiencing proxy wars, and many weapons factories are working day and night. The basic problem of these 8 billion people, with the exception of a few people, is that they do not think at all about when they die. Are they like a green tree that becomes firewood when die, so then no one has anything to do and does not ask if when you were green, did you have fruit and or you burdened with razors and thorns! Or are they like birds that are freed, in which the question is, where are they going after death?!”

His Eminence stated, “What you see, no one cares about anyone else, and these wars in the world, in Ukraine and other places, because mankind is asleep and the prophets came to wake mankind up to know about yourself, about the world, and about the relationship between you and the world. Try to to know yourself and the world around you. All these debates depend on the first thread, what is the relationship between this human being and his Lord!”

He said, “Prophets came first to revive mankind with a scientific spirit and to wake up this sleeping being with religious knowledge! Then they would say the final word, that all information, whether it is heavenly, whether it is earthly, whether it is related to human, whether it is related to the world and everything that God created, created a with three elements; Those three elements are: ﴿قَالَ رَبُّنَا الَّذِي أَعْطَىٰ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلْقَهُ ثُمَّ هَدَىٰ﴾; When Pharaoh said to Moses: you came from God and who is this God? Moses answered: My God is the one who created everything in a triangle format: the first side is the the actor of the system, who created it? the second side is the internal system, how did he create it? and the third side is ultimately this system is created for what? There is nothing without a creator, or made ignorantly and carelessly, or created without a purpose!”

His Eminence said, “In order to make the difference between a complete triangular creature and a disfigured mutilated creature, let's give an example. A human being has a brain, a heart, and bodily organs, and if they disable these and take his life, he will only have a body. If someone sees only this corpses for hundreds of years and study it, he will not become an anthropologist because a corpse does not have a soul, heart, brain, and emotions. This is exactly when sciences that you get is from a mortuary. A mortuary science, what is in universities now is that it deals with the disfigured body. it doesn’t have the element of the creator of the system in it; Therefore, the question "Who created?" is unanswered. The third element which is “Why he created it?” is unanswered. This mutilated triangle is a dead body in a mortuary, while the prophets and especially the Prophet of Islam and Jesus Christ came to say that the world has a creator; God created everything; It has an internal system, God created everything in an orderly, scholarly and researched fashion and by preserving all the internal elements; And it has a final purpose, God created everything with a purpose and these are all signs of God is the creator.”

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli said, “This God regards mankind as eternal, and an eternal human requires eternal sustenance for its Eternal Journy. For when he reached his destination. He said that the human caravan is on its way to reach its destination, and the traveler need sustenance, both for the journey and for when he reaches the destination. The sustenance for all human is to follow two basic rules: Don't go astray and don't block anyone's way! For a person to follow his own path and not block anyone's path, these two paths are connected to one highway, and that highway is the link between us and the one and only God!”

He continued, “He has shown us these two paths in two ways. One is from within us, which is the same nature that everyone shares in this principle, and the second way is the prophets who came through revelation to make our nature flourish. Just as all human beings enjoy good view, good food, and good clothes from a physical point of view, they also enjoy politeness, humanity, dignity, ethics, keeping promises, and trustworthiness from a spiritual point of view. We must go our own way and not block anyone's way and strengthen our bond with God so that we both know what our way is and what is the way of others!”

In the end, he said, “Send our greetings to the pious and monotheistic people of the West and know that the problem of human beings is one thing and that is we are asleep and the prophets came to wake us up and tell us after waking up, you fly when you die. Do not rot, there is a difference between rotting and coming out of the skin; The prophets came to tell us that you are alive forever and you will come out of the skin and never die!”

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