Isra NEWS Agency: In the moral Islamic text, it is stated that: «ما ملأ آدمى وعاءً شراً من البطن» [1]: "human did not filled a container worst than belly"[1]: when the stomach is full, the way of understanding is blocked. a glutton would not be an ingenious and will never understand the secrets of the universe.
Isra NEWS Agency: Ramadan is a good opportunity for understanding the secrets of the world. As in the moral Islamic text, it is stated that: «ما ملأ آدمى وعاءً شراً من البطن» [1]: "human did not filled a container worst than belly"[1]: when the stomach is full, the way of understanding is blocked. a glutton would not be a ingenious and will never understand the secrets of the universe.
In the following, we will review some passages from the sayings of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli regarding the spiritual effects of fasting and the wisdom of this worship:
Referring to a narration from Hazrat Amir (peace be upon him), His eminence said, "It was narrated about Amir Al-Momenin (peace be upon him), once he said to his gardener, "Do you have any food?" "I have simple food that is not worthy of you. I have prepared food from oil-free pumpkin." The gardener answered. His holiness washed his hands and ate that food, then he pointed to his stomach and said, "A stomach can be filled with such simple food! Woe betides the one whose belly takes him to the fire [2].""
He continued by referring to a hadith of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) about fasting and its effects, "Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says, Although fasting is hard and difficult, but the pleasure to hear the call of God which says يا أيها الذين امنوا كتب عليكم الصيام﴾[3] It takes away the fatigue of fasting from humans: «لذة ما فى النداء أزال تعب العبادة والعناء»[4] By hearing this call, worship becomes easy and smooth for us.
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated in another part of his speech, "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family) delivered a sermon on the last Friday of the month of Sha'ban, saying, «يا أيّها النّاس إنّ أنفسكم مرهونةٌ بأعمالكم ففكّوها باستغفاركم» [5] people! you are not free; You are in a cage; And you don't know it. Your sins have imprisoned you in a cage. In the blessed month of Ramadan, free yourself by asking for forgiveness. There is no value in Islam greater than freedom. Ali (peace be upon him) says: «من ترك الشهوات كان حرّاً» [6] freeman is the one who free selves from lust. The way to distinguish whether we are slaves or free is that if we act as we please, it turns out that we are imprisoned in the cage of freedom and greed; And if we follow Allah's will, we are free. A free man does not think of anything other than Allah. One of the most prominent duties in the holy month of Ramadan is to be free, and the way to freedom is to ask for forgiveness. That's why they told us to repeat several times during the day and night «استغفر الله ربى وأتوب إليه» [7].
He emphasized, "Ramadan is the month of liberation; Every day passes, one of the bonds that we have woven with our own hands must come to an end in order to go toward freedom. The best way to be free is to understand the wisdom of worships."
Source: The Book of Wisdom of Worships by Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
[1] Bihar Al-Anwar 63\330
[2] Al-Kona wa Al-Alqab 3\138
[3] Sura Al-Baqareh 183
[4] Majma Al-Bayan 2\490
[5] Al-Amali Wa Al-Majalis Sadooq 85
[6] Bihar Al-Anwar74\239
[7] Bihar Al-Anwar17\44 The Prophet said: "I ask for forgiveness seventy times every day and night."