26 01 2023 992036 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in a meeting with the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance:

Religious science should be institutionalized in our universities and cultural affairs/ The problem of our society is that we forget "who" we are and "where" we want to go.

Israa NEWS Agency: Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance and his delegation met and talked with His eminence at his house today, Thursday, the 6th of Bahman.


Israa NEWS Agency: Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance and his delegation met and talked with His eminence at his house today, Thursday, the 6th of Bahman.

According to the reporter of the Israa NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, in a meeting with the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, stated, "There are a series of important issues related to the economic field that we must discuss with the economic officials, and there is one issue related to It belongs to the field of culture, which is more important than the economy, and it is not just for the government, but the government, the nation, the Howzeh, and the university should all face this principle.

He stated the universities and the Howzeh are the cultural center of the society and stated: The late Kulayni mentioned in the introduction of Al-Kafi book that the cultural focus of Islam is "reason" both in this world and in the hereafter, because in this world we are treated according to reason and we will be judge by the reasoning power. Both in this world and in the hereafter, nothing have values but reason! According to this reason, our most important problem is that we think about everything except ourselves! Most of us don't think about what will happen next?!

Saying that our worst problem is our negligence, His Eminence said, "Some people came to the Prophet and asked him to guide us to an action we would benefit from. He answered self-knowledge! They said, "we asked you for a practical solution, you are recommending us to learn", The Prophet said, "All the blessings come from this knowledge to know "who" you are! If we know ourselves, many of our problems will be solved.

He stated, "human is not like a tree, turns into firewood after death and that's it, but is like a bird that is freed from a cage by death. If it is like the release of a bird -and it is truly what death is- we must know where we are going! The problem of our society is we forget who we are and where we want to go. Like a traveler with no destination, he is always lost! Wherever we have problems, it is because we did not know ourselves! If we know where we are and where we are going, then we will not do wrong, we will not go astray, and we will not block anyone's way.

In another part of his speech, he explained the religious science and expressed, "Everything on the earth and in the sky is Allah's creation, and Allah said all of them are signs of Allah. We think if we write whatever we want and then put Allah's name in the beginning and then the logo of the Islamic Republic and the image of the Imam and the leader, them this becomes religious science, while these are the basic, but important matter is the content. one must consider everything as the work of Allah and when he\she does something do not consider it gone and vanished. No! no action is lost; Our actions are always with us.

He continued, "The first principle is the perfection of human is in the knowledge. the second principle is everything he has knowledge is from the known. Every knowledge will get better when truly match the known. When we don't know the known, our knowledge would not develop; whether it is heavenly or earthly and whether in between. everything is Allah's creation! Allah introduces these as a triangle. the executor system, the ultimate and purposeful system and the internal system which is the middle. one side goes back to the origin, who created all, one side is what all was created for and one side is internal. know that your identity is tied to the known identity and known is a triangle, and don't break down this triangle. If you disfigured the known, your knowledge will be disfigured and you will become disfigured too.


​​​​​​​ He stated, "Unfortunately, they have disfigured this science and left only one side. Who created (the first side) and why did made these for(third side) is taken. This remaining is a cold body. This dead earth and dead sky that does not enlighten man. What knowledge has is the known and this knowledge is disfigured. This known is in mortuary! A disfigured dead creature in a mortuary does not solve its own problem. Science would solves the world's problem when it is a triangle; Therefore, when Musa Kalimullah (pbuh) was asked, who is the Lord who sent you? He said, "the God created everything as a triangle, the God created it in this shape, and created it for a specific purpose; This is a religious science that should be institutionalized in our universities and cultural affairs.

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