28 03 2023 1255616 ID:

The blessed month of Ramadan, an opportunity to escape the barrier of sins

Isra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli referring to a hadith from Amirul Momineen, in which he says: "People! You are locked up, you are captive, under debt, you are being held hostage, let's free yourselves in the holy month of Ramadan."



Isra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, in one of his Akhlagh lessons, mentioned a Hadith from the Commander of the Faithful (may God bless him and grant him peace), and pointed out the special characteristic of the holy month of Ramadan to avoid sin and stated:

Someone asked from Amir Al-Mu'minan (peace be upon him)," no matter how hard I try I cannot pray the night prayers." "You are captive" Imam answered. «قَيَّدَتْكَذنوبك»؛; Sin has imprisoned you, so you cannot get up [for night prayer]!

​​​​​​​ The message of this enlightening statement of his holiness is that people «إنّأنفسكممرهونةٌبأعمالكمفَفُكُّوهاباستغفاركم [1] People! You are locked up, you are captive, under debt, you are being held hostage, let's free yourselves in the holy month of Ramadan. A freeman would not look at Namahram with ease; would not take bribe with no hesitation; would not go stray and would not close other's ways; would not lie or false; would not disrespect or dishonor the Islamic government and the blood of martyrs! 

As a result, his holiness said, let's free yourselves; Until man is not freed, he will be stuck with the same problems that we are facing in the society today. if we can free ourselves in the holy month of Ramadan, then why don't we benefit of this opportunity and cheaply sell ourselves?

Akhlagh lessons 1391/4/29 (25 June 2012)

[1]Uyun Akhbar Al-Ridah 1\296


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