02 06 2024 307927 شناسه:

The four pillars of 15th of Khordad Revolution/We are indebted to schools of Muslims and the underprivileged

Esra NEWS Agency-religious and Thought Service: The most important point is that this movement was for the revival of the word of Truth. When Late Imam Khomeini rose up on the day of Ashura and that official speech of Imam Rahal in Faiziyah took place, the bloody and history-making event of 15th...



Esra NEWS Agency: The uprising of 15 Khordad 1342 is the serious beginning of one of the biggest events, the Islamic revolution in the history of Iran, which rooted and caused closely to the disgraceful plans and policies of the Pahlavi regime. On the other hand, it represented the support and desire of the Muslim people of Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA).

This political event was, in fact, the continued opposition of clerics and Maraji to the reforms and repressive methods of the Pahlavi regime. In this way, the clerics considered the arrival of the Muharram days of that year as a suitable opportunity for protesting against the plans and policies of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and by organizing meetings, conducting correspondence and issuing announcements, they expanded the communication between themselves and the people.

From the point of view of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, this holy uprising has strong and stable pillars, which are explained below.

The one who started this uprising is the guardian and interpreter of this uprising

In one of the Friday prayer sermons of 1371, which was held by the Imamate of His Eminence, he said,

"Today is 15th of Khordad. On the 15th of Khordad 1342 A.H., an uprising took place, which enlightened the revolution, and the leader of the revolution (Radiwan Allah Ta'ala Alayh) drew the lines of that uprising very well - the one who started this uprising, the guardian of this uprising and the interpreter of this uprising- He drew four pillars, of 15th of Khordad: First, he started this in the Day of Ashura. the Imam's speech on the Day of Ashura provided the ground for this uprising on the 12th of Muharram, which was the 15th of Khordad (this time); Earth and space, which was the cradle of jurisprudence, i.e., Faiziyah school (these two basic pillars, time, earth and space, became the important factors of the 15th of Khordad)

The third pillar is also what he himself mentioned, look at the martyrs of the 15th of Khordad from which group they were. Now that many years have passed -perhaps some people that did not witness that scene by their own eyes, - look at the tombstones of the martyrs of the 15th Khordad to see if non-Muslims were present in this uprising or were all Muslims and devotees of Itrat Tahirin. No non-Muslims had a part in this uprising. Fourth: When you understand from their tombstones that these were lovers of Itrat Tahirin, check the inner life of these people, whether they were from the spendthrift and lavish class or from the deprived and oppressed class. By examining these four sides, it becomes clear that the fifteenth of Khordad is forever a day of public mourning., Ashura flourished, Fiziyya Flourished, Muslims acted, the deprived stood up. We are indebted to the schools of Muslims and the deprived."

At another point, this divine Philosopher considered the bloody and history-making event of the 15th of Khordad on the days of Ashura as a forerunner for the Islamic revolution and creating suitable opportunities for people to act and said,

These processions is the best example of the times that Allah the Almighty swore to that times and age when he said, ﴿وَ الْعَصْرِ﴾. These times are the age of Prophet, it is the age of Wilayah, it is the age of caliphate, it is the age of the revelation of the Qur’an and Itrat, the age of Reappearance of religion; these ages has been sworn by God Almighty. The most important point is that this movement was for the revival of the word of Truth. When Late Imam Khomeini rose up on the day of Ashura and that official speech of Imam Rahal in Faiziyah took place, the bloody and history-making event of 15th of Khordad shaped, which was a forerunner for the Islamic Revolution. Also, on the appropriate occasions when people participated in all these events and with sacrifice and dedication, they predicted and irrigated the roots of this system by their helps and bloods until this Islamic system established."

He expressed our duty to preserve the Qur'an's and Itrat's achievements and pointed out,

"Our duty is to preserve the achievements of the Qur'an and Itrat, which has been established in this country of Imam Zaman. The most important thing that the Islamic system did was bring out Qur'an and Itrat from isolation and reduce the distance between society and the Qur'an and Itrat; reduced the distance between the Islamic nation and divine teachings, the distance between the Howzeh and the university, and the distance between families and Quranic teachings and stablished it. Gave a foundation and made it stable. Islamic Iran was oppressed in many parts, but during the Islamic government, it was able to stand on its feet and maintain its independence.

Source: Friday prayer sermon in 1371, a message to the Association of Women Fighters in 1392
