The message of Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen, Professor Morteza Javadi Amoli for Eid Ghadir Khum/ "Ghadir" is a covenant between the Almighty God and the Islamic Ummah

07 07 2023 1672234 شناسه:
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Esra NEWS Agency: Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin, Professor Morteza Javadi Amoli in a message for Eid al-Ghadir said, “The person who has prepared himself intellectually and intelligently, he would understand the Wilayah is a reserve of Allah. Allah appoint divine leadership for guide people and the guidance of human beings. So, Allah should turn human hearts, soul and emotions to Wilaya. It means he should provide both knowledge and emotion in the hearts of human being and intellect so that we can face this divine covenant. These proficiencies very dear and noble.”

He said, “In the heart we must know that #Ghadir is a covenant between the lord of the Universe and the Islamic Ummah

We celebrate Ghadir Eid for two reasons:

One is what Allah said about Ghadeer, that: ﴿لا يَنَالُ عَهْدِي الظَّالِمِينَ﴾....

And the other is the love and devotion that we should have towards Amirul Momineen. Because the Prophet (pbuh) said that the title for the book that gathers all the action of a believer is the love for the guardianship of Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him).

The full text of his message for the Eid Ghadir:

أعوذ بالله من الشیطان الرجیم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

«الحمد لله رب العالمین و صلّی الله علی محمد و آله الطّاهرین»

We congratulate the Islamic Ummah and the followers of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and the Shiites of Ali bin Abi Talib on the day of the promised covenant, the assured promise and the visible gathering, which is the day of Eid Al-Akhbar.

As it has been narrated from Imam Sadiq that when one asked is there is a better Eid than Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr and Friday or not? Hazrat said; yes, the same day that the Prophet of Islam appointed Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) to be the commander, the caliphate and the governorship, by the order of Allah. That day is the best day and the best Eid and the great divine Eid.

This superiority and greatness of Ghadir Eid is because the soul of Al-Fitr, Qurban, Juma and all divine decrees returns to the Wilayah. The Eid Al-Fitr without the guardianship, Eid Al-Qurban without the guardianship, the Juma without the guardianship is soulless, cold and silent, but the guardianship of Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) gives soul to the Qurban, Fitr, Juma, and other Eids, and gives them life and light and brightness. This Eid enlightens them all.

Regarding Eid Ghadir, the matter should be studied and considered in several ways. first is that this is a divine covenant. If it is the known covenant in the heavens and on earth, the assured promise and evident gathering, it is because Allah the Almighty said to Abraham«لا ینال عهدی الظالمین». This covenant that Allah talks about in this verse is the Wilayah and Imamat. Since it is a divine covenant, it is intrinsically bound by goodness and grace. Because everything that is attributed to the divine realm has this goodness and blessing. We have to prepare ourselves to be showered by the blessings of such a covenant with the Lord of the worlds.

If the covenant of guardianship and imamate is a divine, on the one hand it is related to the divine domain, and Allah the Almighty has ordained this for His servants and creation. this should be of concern to our society. When they say what high position is reachable for humans, if the answer is that he is standing at the presence of the Lord of the Universe with the divine covenant, this gives a great and hundredfold value to humans. It gives merit and merit to be a party to the divine covenant, it is very dear. From this point of view, the Islamic society and the Islamic Ummah should prepare themselves. This physical, spiritual, intellectual, heart, but also physical and youthful preparation should be for humans so that when they go to the divine covenant, they will be fully prepared. A person who sees himself as a party to the divine covenant, gives himself so much merit and competence that he is a party to the divine covenant. It is very dear. From this point of view, the Islamic society and the Islamic Ummah should prepare themselves. This preparation is spiritual, intellectual and in heart, but also physical and mind preparation should be for humans so that when they face the divine covenant, they will be fully prepared.

The person who has prepared himself cognitively and intellectually and has understood that the Wilayah is a divine reserve and that God has placed a divine leadership in order to guide people and direct people, so they should turn their heart and soul to that side. This is so dear and precious. Therefore, it is true that a celebration is necessary on Ghadir Eid, and external happiness and joy are necessary, giving food is very good and recommended and ordered, and other things that go back to the appearance is good and necessary, but in the inside and in the meaning, this meaning should be made clear that Ghadir is a covenant between the Allah of the universe and the Islamic nation. Anyone who accepts this meaning is actually preparing himself.

A great and detailed sermon was delivered by the Prophet of Islam on the 18th day of Dhu Hajjah of the 10th Hijri in the area of Juhfah and Ghadir, and it is necessary for our Islamic society, the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and those who are devoted to our master Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon them) , if they do not memorize this sermon, at least read it several times and consider the recommendations of the beloved Prophet of Islam step by step in this sermon.

Some of our great scholars have divided this sermon into eleven parts. Each part is significant and should be studied. Dear Ruhani people, those who have aligned themselves with the covenant of guardianship and have become familiar with the covenant of guardianship, should pay attention to this meaning and familiarize the society with the great themes and wonderful advice of the Prophet in this sermon. Many verses were descended by Allah Almighty about the greatness of Ali bin Abi Talib and in that great sermon explained to people and placed him in a high position. It was a very important and dangerous task and Allah Almighty with the verse «و الله یعصمک عن الناس» assured Prophet and made it easy for him. it was a very hard and difficult task Otherwise, and the dear Messenger of Islam carried out this mission and realized this responsibility in the best way. Today, more than ever, the world is watching and waiting for a new message from Islam and the progressive school of Shia, which believes that the true path of Islam and the supreme truth of Islam would be brought by them. The world expecting us to bring the message of Ghadir.

The first issue is the issue of the covenants and treaties that are concluded between the Almighty Allah and the Islamic Ummah in the light of the Wilayat of Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon them).

But the second issue, which is very significant regarding Ghadir, is the examination of the unique personality of the master of all pious and the commander of the believers, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, who was the rulemodeo for our honorable Imams. He is the father of our imams, he is the seal of the saints, he is the seal and the guardians and he is the ultimate treasure of Allah. Almighty Allah created the best possible in the whole world, the Ali bin Abi Talib. He is the superior sign of Allah «ما لله آیة اکبر منی».

The Islamic society in general and the ummah following Ali bin Abi Talib and the infallible imams (peace be upon them all) in particular, with the Wilayah of Ali bin Abi Talib, their greatness and brilliance will be hundreds and thousands of times better. We have our identity, our character and our position in the shadow of such characters. Yes, humans are dignified with no doubt. Humanity possess intellect, wisdom, heart, free will, and other attributes, but if he puts these in the service of a divine shining sun and Allah's Wilayah, and drink from this spring and stand on this high mountain, and benefit from this infinite truth, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) see themselves in the shadow of this personality, his identity, his knowledge, his morals, his piety, his faith, his virtue, his brilliance and accept him as their Imam, leader, and role model, they would explore new horizons. Nations are known by their imam. if the imam of a nation had such an identity that the Almighty Allah give him a name from his great name and we say«یا عالی بحق علی», there would be no work superior and nobler than the work of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Not only his words were above the words of the created and below the words of the creator, but his personality had a divine and heavenly aspect in all dimensions and in all aspects.

You can never compare Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) with human being «لا یقاس به احد». The honorable Messenger of Islam has said the highest words about the personality of Ali bin Abi Talib. Ibn Abbas narrated, three hundred verses, of Qur'anic virtues, which are among the purest of divine verses, were revealed about the dignity and right of Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), and according to the Holy Prophet of Islam, there are no verses that calls to believers and say "O you who believe" first talks to Ali bin Abi Talib.

If it is about Lailat al-Mubit, Ali bin Abi Talib is at the top. If we talk about the verse «و أنذر عشیرتک الأقربین» Ali bin Abi Talib is at the top. If we talk about the verse of “Tathir” «و یطهرکم تطهیرا»it is about our Master, Ali bin Abi Talib. If it is the battle of Uhud, Badr, Khandaq, Ahzab, and the like, then it is the distinguished and unique face that the beloved Messenger of Islam sometimes said, tomorrow I will give the flag to the hand of someone who Allah and His Messenger loves him and he loves Allah and the Messenger,  Amir al-Mu'minin Ali bin Abi Talib is such a character.

Therefore, we celebrate Ghadir Eid in for two things. we honor it, we recognize it, and we prepare ourselves for this divine covenant. First is the matter of Allah’s covenant that he said«لا ینال عهدی الظالمین».  This is the pledge of Imamate and guardianship, and the Almighty God has introduced this pledge for this purpose. The second is the affection, devotion, and love that we should have for the nobles Ali bin Abi Talib, which the beloved Messenger of Islam said: The title for the book of deeds of Mo'menin is the love of Ali bin Abi Talib and he is a distinguished person.

We hope that this Eid will be great for the human society and the Islamic Ummah and the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt and the Shiites of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) and will bring happiness and inner and outer joy to the Islamic Ummah. Our Iranians society, who are loyal to our master Ali bin Abi Talib, who are struggling in many hardships and difficulties, may Allah willing, with the love and devotion of Ali bin Abi Talib, achieve a dignified and honorable life, as Ali bin Abi Talib liked for the Islamic Ummah, even though he himself He was extremely humble, pious, and virtuous, but he always recommended honor, greatness, and dignity for the Islamic society, as shown in the covenants and letters he wrote to his governors.

We hope that this country, which is the country of Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him), the country of Hazrat Baqitullah al-Azam (may the souls of all be sacrificed before him), will be protected from any hardship and the Islamic society can live a dignified life in the joy of faith and the joy and vitality of the Qur'an.

«و السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و برکاته»

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