01 01 2024 2155866 ID:

The name of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in the list of 500 most influential Muslims in the world (year 2024)

The name of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli was included in the list of five hundred influential Muslims in the world; In this year's report, as in previous years, the name of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli is the chairman of the second section of the special personalities of the Islamic world.


The name of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli was included in the list of five hundred influential Muslims in the world; In this year's report, as in previous years, the name of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli is the chairman of the second section of the special personalities of the Islamic world.

The list of 500 most influential Muslims in the world is published every year in early December (Azar) to introduce the elites of the Islamic world according to the indicators of the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center and the Al-Bait Al-Mulkiya Institute for Islamic Thought. -Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought: RABIIT in Amman, the capital of Jordan, in partnership with "Georgetown University", Washington State. US pays thirty. This list is divided by introducing the most influential people of the Islamic world into two categories: the top 50 people and the next 450 people.

According to the constitution and list of this institution, which was published on its official website, the purpose of publishing it is to introduce the activists and discover the elites of the Islamic world. Every Muslim who has the greatest impact on his country, the Islamic world and the world of humanity will be included in that list.

In this year's report, as in previous years, the name of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli is the top of the second section of the special personalities of the Islamic world, and after him, Ayatollah Mohammad Ishaq Fayyaz is ranked 53rd in this ranking.

In the introduction of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, it is stated:

Hazrat Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli


Born: 1933 (90 years old)

Hazrat Ayatollah Amoli is a prominent theologian and interpreter of the Qur'an. He is a prolific researcher, having published more than 300 articles and books. His fame is mostly due to his interpretation of the Holy Quran titled Tafsir Tasnim, which has been admired by his peers. Throughout his career, Javadi Ameli has remained a very public figure, having headed a diplomatic mission to the Soviet Union, and continues to speak publicly on current affairs.

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