Esra NEWS Agency: This morning, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's weekly Akhlaq lesson was held online.
In this meeting, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli continued the discussion of Nahj Al-Balagha - Wisdom 108.
He stated, “In the book completion of Nahj Al-Balagheh, which collected the enlightening words of Amirul Momineen in 5 sections of sermons, letters, words, recommendations and prayers, the original of these enlightening words that Zarar quoted from Amir Al-Mominin, in volume 5 Page 82. In reply to Mu'awiya who said: Describe Ali for us, Zarrar stated that Amir Al-Mominin «کان یقول»; That is, he used to say this word repeatedly that God has created a part in the human internal system called the heart, which is the strangest part of the body. Although all the members are created wisely, but the heart is very delicate and strange.
The Amir Al-Mu'minin reasoned that in the heart, there are both the ingredients of wisdom and the opposites of wisdom. It has a tendency towards wisdom which is justice and reason, and he has an anti-wisdom which is ignorance and injustice. It has both a scientific orientation and a practical orientation, so there is always a war between them.
Inside the human heart, there is always a heavy war, which is called the middle jihad, and man is obliged to fight it, just as man is obliged to fight with the external enemy, which is called the minor jihad, and the jihad that is between the mind and the heart, between knowledge and intuition, and like them, named Jihad Akbar.
Sometimes the conflict is between knowledge and ignorance, it is a conflict between knowledge and ignorance, in this battle «رب عالم قد قتل جهله» (Many scholars are killed by their ignorance), but sometimes ignorance means ignorance, that is, a person takes something for granted, but his thought which is the result of his reason is in contradiction of his motivation, which is the result of practical wisdom. Some people are bounded by their lusts. this person tries to spend all his scientific funds in the path of falsehood, and pour all the lessons he has studied into falsehood. here is not a conflict between unknown and knowledge, but between Ignorance and knowledge, it should be said رب عالم قد قتلت جهالته! Not knowing is for the theoretical wisdom and ignorance is for the practical wisdom, that is, the scientific force tends to one side and the practical force to the other!
there are always two serious disputes, it is a scientific dispute that a person knows a truth and does not know its opposite, or bounded knowledge to it, or its specification, or its relative knowledge, or there is opposition, because when a person expresses a scientific fact, he has many opponents, sometimes it is forbidden, sometimes it is an inconsistency, and sometimes it is a contradiction! These are scientific jihads, it means sometimes the opponent thought reject your premises, minor or major, prohibits your argument, and the reasoner must consciously and deeply prove the premise of his analogy, and the second is that the opponent opposes, that is, bring another reason against your reason. then one should terminate the contradictions and the third way of war is that it is not the way of prohibition and contradiction, but the way of violation. It is true why It doesn't work in other arguments?! This internal war between prohibition and reason, conflict and reason, violation and reason are always there. These are scientific wars and all these wars are in theoretical reason. Only in the field of knowledge, these three battles are going on and have nothing to do with ethics! After this battle, sometimes there is a conflict between the practical reason, which is responsible for motivation, and the intellect of opinion, which is responsible for thinking.
Just as they are fighting on three fronts in the theoretical intellect, in the part of the practical reasoning which is motivation, they are fighting on three fronts or more. This is because this is a different power from desire and motivation. This reasoning power stands with contentment and greed opposite it; this reason chose seclusion and silence and the fame and gaining reputation opposite it; this is an internal war between the members of the practical reasoning who all have motivations, but the motivations are different.
The third battel, which is out of one of these reasoning, is a conflict between the practical reason, which is responsible for motivation, and the theoretical reason, which is responsible for thinking. There is not a scientific problem between them, but it is a practical problem! Here, knowledge fights with ignorance, not with unknown!
Therefore, there is a war in several parts; it is within reasoning powers, or within motives, or it is a war between thoughts and motives. The statement of Amir al-Mominin, who said this repeatedly, and Zirrar told Muawiyah which is always going on between thought and motivation is about the third jihad between opinion and action, and between theoretical wisdom and practical wisdom! Hazrat here states that a person should always observe the moderate limit and neither go the way of extremes nor the way of excessiveness! Therefore, in the end, he said: If you go below the limit of moderation, it is harmful, and if you go above the limit of moderation, there is corruption. The central core of scientific and practical sciences prevents both the triple wars of theoretical reasoning and the triple wars of practical reason.”