30 07 2023 1733702 ID:

The revelations of the messengers of Karbala / the epic reaction of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) in Kufa

Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) did not participate directly in the battle of the Day of Ashura, because Allah’s decided fate and destiny was that he would not be martyred so he would be the father of eight Imams after him, so that the line of Imamate of the Ummah and the guidance of the...



Esra NEWS Agency: On the occasion of the martyrdom of Imam Sajjad, peace be upon him, we will reread a part of the book of “epics and mysticism” by Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, which talks about the enlightenments of the messengers of Karbala.

The Epic sermon of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) in Kufa

Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) did not participate directly in the battle of the Day of Ashura, because Allah’s decided fate and destiny was that he would not be martyred so he would be the father of eight Imams after him, so that the line of Imamate of the Ummah and the guidance of the community would continue, but its epic spirit of His Holiness did not leave him alone. Therefore, wherever is required and there was a situation, he exposed and impeached the ruling frame and the oppressive Umayyad court.

For example, with the fact that the His Holiness (peace be upon him) spent the distance from Karbala to Sham in silence and only chanted the Zikr of Allah and did not speak to anyone except the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), and with the fact that he was imprisoned in Kufa 2] and they had tied his hands and feet with heavy chain and shackles and made him ride on a naked camel, and blood was flowing from the veins. When he started to speak, he said: O wicked nation, may the rain never falls on your place and land. O nation that did not keep the honor of our ancestors about us. If you stand in front of our Father on the Day of Resurrection, what will you say? You drive us around the cities on naked camels/as if we were not the ones who established the foundations of religion among you.

يا أمة السوء لا سقيأ لربعكم ٭٭٭٭ يا أمة لم تراع جدّنا فينا[3]

Then he pointed to the crowd to be quiet. When they were silent, after praising Allah and sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family), he introduced himself and exposed the crimes committed by the Umayyads in Karbala.

أيّها النّاس من عرفنى فقد عرفنى ومن لم يعرفنى فأنا على بن الحسين ابن على بن أبى طالب، أنا ابن من انتُهِكَت حرمتُه وسُلبتْ نِعمتُه وانتُهب ماله وسُبىَ عياله أنا ابن المذبوح بشطّ الفرات من غير ذَحْلٍ ولاتُرات، أناابْن من قُتل صبْراً وكَفي بذلك فخْراً... »[4].

The result of this speech and enlightening was that people cried and said to each other: You have perished and you do not understand what you did and what happened to you [5].

In this way, Hazrat Sajjad (peace be upon him) changed the situation in Kufa and provided the ground for subsequent uprisings.

Before bringing the captives into his palace (Dar al-Amareh), the cursed Ibn Ziyad gave permission for anyone to participate in it, and in fact, he had a public celebration. Then he ordered to bring the family of prophet of Allah into Dar al-Amareh in a terrible manner. After that, they put the blessed head of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) in front of him and he shamelessly began to dare to hit the holy head of with his rod... Then he turned to Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) and said: What is your name?

Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) said: I am Ali bin Al-Hussein.

- Didn't God kill Ali ibn al-Hussein? [6]

- I had an older brother who was also called Ali and people killed him.

- People did not kill him, but God killed him.

- Of course, Allah takes care of every soul when it dies, and no one dies without Allah's creative permission; ﴿ألله يتوفّي الأنفس حين موتها﴾[7] و ﴿ما كان لنفسٍ أن تموت إلاّ بإذن الله﴾[8].

This was a heavy and unbearable response for Ibn Ziyad. Therefore, he ordered to behead Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him).

While Aqilah Bani Hashim, Zainab Kubra (peace be upon her) placed herself between Imam Sajad and Ibn Ziyad and forbade Ibn Ziyad from making this brazen decision, Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) got angry and said: Are you threatening to kill us? do you Have you not yet understood that being killed is our habit and martyrdom is our honor and pride?[9]

The same speech of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) Karbala and his path[10] was said by Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) in the Dar al-Marah of Kufa under the heavy burden of captivity and hardship. He yelled these truth to the blood thirsty Umayyad agents in with courage.

It turns out that this man in the chain is the roaring imprisoned lion: "the chain would not bring Shame to the lion " [11]. A wise person will never think of providing cages to keep ravens and sparrows. It is a parrot, a nightingale, and moonbirds that are worth preparing a cage and bearing the cost and effort to keep them.

 Again, it shows that being chained and captured is just for limitations of the body, but the mystic soul is the soul of the epic and therefore it is always alive and free.

Footnote ........................................

[1] Epic and mysticism, summary pages 319-334

[2] - (Bihar, vol. 45, p. 169).

[3] Bihar, vol. 45, p. 114

[4] – Maqtal Al-Muqaram, p. 316.

[5] same.

[6] - This was one of Ibn Ziyad's misdeeds, who wanted to make the killing of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and his companions appear to be Allah’s pleasure and will.

[7] Surah Zammar, verse 42.

[8] Surah Al-Imran, verse 145.

[9] Bihar, vol. 45, pp. 117 and 118; Kharazmi's death, vol. 2, p. 42.

[10] - See: p. 266 of the book of epics and mysticism

[11] Maulawi's Masnavi, book II, verse 263

[12] Divan Hafez, "Passionate Love"



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