07 12 2022 844033 ID:

The scientific position of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon him, in the statement of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Esra's news agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in his class today (Wednesday, December 7, 2022) referring to the martyrdom of Fatima Al-zahra, stated, "These days we should moan, but the first thing to remember about their tragedy is to narrate their teachings and their scientific supremacy.

Esra's news agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in his class today (Wednesday, December 7, 2022) referring to the martyrdom of Fatima Al-zahra, stated, "These days we should moan, but the first thing to remember about their tragedy is to narrate their teachings and their scientific supremacy.

His eminence then continued to mention a hadith from the holy Book of Kafi and expressed, "The late Kulayni (may Allah's bless bestow upon him) in the noble book of Kafi, in the first volume of "Babu Jawami'e al-Tawheed" narrates a long narration from the holiness, Hazrat Amir, "And this is one of the famous speeches of him." This lecture starts when the people gathered in the second war with Muawiyah. Amir al-Mu'minin said, "Al-Hamad Li Allah AL-Wahd al-Ahad al-Samad al-Mutafard Alladi La min shaye Kan wa La Man shaye Khalagha maa kaan"[1] This lecture is long, and if someone wants to think monotheistic, the arguments can be taken from this lecture. Then the statement of the late Kulayni is this, "If jinn and human gather and the Prophet will not be among them, only ordinary creatures, human beings and jinn, then they want to talk about monotheism like Hazrat Amir (PBUH) to whom my parents are sacrificed. It is not possible for us. if Hazrat did not open the knot, this doubt would remain for many people and they would be stuck.

In explaining the matter, Ayatollah Javadi stated: There is a doubt existed for a long time among atheists and deniers of monotheism that is, what is the God that you say he took existance from what? God is either took exitance from something or he come from nothing. It cannot be out of these two. If he is from something, then there was something before God and God was created from it. If it is from nothing then nothing cannot be the cause for anything. This is about God himself. About creation: Did God create the universe from something else? Does it mean that there were particles, God collected these particles and gave them a form? If he collected nothingness, and created the universe from nothingness, that is not possible. So, the existence of God is a problem, as well as the creation of God! This doubt has been in the minds of atheists for a long time. The late Kulayni says that Hazrat Amir solved this suffocating and breath-taking doubt with that luminous lecture that if there is not a prophet and divine guides, no one can speak like this.

He continued: The excellence of Hazrat Amir said that you did not understand the principle of contradiction! The opposite of "from something" is not "from nothing", they are both positive. The opposite of "from something" is "not from anything". Now that you understand, raise your head to understand. You did not understand the principle of the contradiction at all, now the answer to the first question: Is God "from something" or "not from anything"? We say: "not from anything" because his existence is the same as his essence. This is not against the law of contradiction. God is "not from anything", not "from nothing", so you cannot say that it is wrong to be "from something", it is wrong to be "from nothing". no! regarding the Holy Essence of God we should say , since His existence is the same as His essence, it is "not from anything", it was not created from anything. But about the creation of the world; you ask whether God created the world "from something" or "from nothing"? We say: This question is wrong! You did not understand the law of contradictions at all. These two are not the proposition of the same contradiction.  Ask the right questions. When it is said: Did God create the world "from something" or "not from anything"? We say: "not from anything". Allah is origin of creation.  God did not create the world from something. He innovated it. Because he innovated, it is "not from something", not "from nothing"!

He then pointed to the scholarly status of Hazrat Zahra, (may God bless him and grant him peace), and stated, "the greatness of the lecture of Amirul Momineen got clear, it is the same for the beginning of Hazrat Zahra's Fadakiyeh lecture. 25 years before Hazrat Amir give this lecture. the late Kulayni did not reach that lecture (the Fadakiyeh lecture) to say explain what Hazrat Zahra was!


[1]  All praise is due to Allah, the One, only One, the Self-sufficient, the Single one Who did not come into being from anything and was not created from something that had come into being before.

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