25 10 2022 827177 ID:
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The seventh volume of the valuable book of Rizal Tafsari was published

Isra's information base: The seventh volume of the valuable book of Rizal Tafsir by the great commentator of the Holy Quran Hazrat Ayatollah Grand Javadi Amoli has been edited, published and launched by Ma'araj Research Institute of Revelation.

​​​​​​​Isra's information base: The seventh volume of the valuable book of Rizal Tafsir by the great commentator of the Holy Quran Hazrat Ayatollah Grand Javadi Amoli has been edited, published and launched by Ma'araj Research Institute of Revelation.
Danesh Rizal, which is responsible for the personality and personality of hadith narrators, is one of the Islamic sciences that has been the focus of Shiite scholars since the past, and they have made extensive efforts in compiling and enriching this science, and dozens of valuable scientific works are in this field. The area has been remembered.
The practical role of Rizal knowledge is not only limited to "Akhbar al-Ahkam" and jurisprudential traditions, but also plays a decisive role in religious, interpretive, historical and biographical hadiths. Commenting on the hadiths related to the virtues of the surahs, the dignity of the revelation of the verses, the quality of recitation, the knowledge of the Israelites will be in the light of familiarity with the rules of men and the detailed and deep knowledge of the Mysore narrators.
One of the upcoming gaps in the field of Rizal science is the lack of compilation of an independent work about certain narrators, including commentary narrators, which Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli has mentioned many times in his Tafsir lesson since the previous years as one of the existing gaps is the lack of compilation of commentary rijals. And they emphasized its necessity many times.
This holy idea, thanks to the effort of "Ma'araj Research Institute of Revelation Sciences", found practical research and this research institute started to compile "Rijal Tafsir Encyclopaedia", the seventh volume of which has been released to the book market and is available to researchers and interested people.
For preparation and more information, refer to the website of the International Publishing Center of Nashresra at the address www.nashresra.ir.

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