26 07 2023 1725323 ID:
with the live of the ceremony;

The speech of the the great Shia Marja’ Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli Dam Zaleh for Tasua and Ashura Hosseini

Esra NEWS Agency: The mourning ceremony of Abi Abdullah al-Hussein, peace be upon him, will on Tasu'a and Ashura Hosseini with the speech of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in his Hosseiniyeh in Damavand city.

Esra NEWS Agency: The mourning ceremony of Abi Abdullah al-Hussein, peace be upon him, will on Tasu'a and Ashura Hosseini with the speech of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in his Hosseiniyeh in Damavand city.


Time: Wednesday and Thursday (4th and 5th of Tiir)

Time: 18 pm

the link for the live broadcast:

Esra Internet TV website: https://tv.esra.ir

  online education system:


Broadcasting of His Eminance speech on Thursday and Friday (Tasu'a and Ashura Hosseini days) from National TV, Qur'an channel and National Ma'arif Radio.

Broadcast time: 17:10 pm

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