04 01 2024 2162903 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli:

The truth of the Holy Quran has incarnated in Fatima Zahra / Hazrat Fatimah is an honor for the human society

Esra NEWS Agency: For the birthdays of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon her, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli gave an online speech for a group of young people interested in Islamic knowledge out of Iran on the topic of "The position and character of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon her.

Esra NEWS Agency: For the birthdays of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon her, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli gave an online speech for a group of young people interested in Islamic knowledge out of Iran on the topic of "The position and character of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon her.

This meeting held on the Zoom app and translated Simultaneously, on the character and position of Hazrat Zahra, may God bless her and grant her peace.

In this meeting, His Eminence, congratulating on the birthday of Hazrat Fatima Zahra, peace be upon her, said, “Fatima Zahra and the truth of that lady is more than we can summarized them in a celebration, ceremony and speech, moreover the truth of the Holy Qur'an incarnated in Fatima Zahra and she is Seyyed Nisa Alamin (the lady of all the woman of the both world).”

He said, “The beloved Prophet of Islam revived the world, the geography of the world and human societies. He destroyed the old and new ignorance, introduced people to their rights and redefined the world, and said that human is not perishable; even though they would be transferred to another world.”

His Eminance stated, “The official message of the Holy Prophet of Islam and the Holy Quran is that: You are all the children of Ibrahim Khalil, the nation of Ibrahim Haneef. You are born of Khalil, you are born of Abraham, Muslims, Christians, and Jews are all children of Abraham. Although the spiritual fathers of Muslims, Christians, and Jews are different, but their ancestor is Allah’s Khalil, so they must be together side by side and live together.”

He said, “In the Islamic field, the statement of the Holy Quran is that the Prophet's wives are your mothers. If they are the mothers of the Ummah of the Islamic community, the Prophet himself is the father of us, the Muslims. If the Prophet is the father of the Muslims, and if the Prophet's wives are the mothers of the Islamic community, then we, Muslims, are brothers. We are all the children of the Prophet and the grandsons of Ibrahim Khalil, so the best present in these days is for a person to know his origin and follow the leadership of his\her origin.”

His Eminence stated, “The Holy Qur'an introduced the men and women that although Allah is merciful to the worlds, and because of his compassion, he has special compassions. Absolute mercy and compassion are His signs, but in the Qur'an, mercy is not mentioned as his sign. However, about men and women, Quran said: ومن ءايته أن خلق لكم من أنفسكم أزوجا لتسكنوا إليها (And of His signs is that He created for you mates from your own selves that you may take comfort in them); Man and woman are one of the Allah’s signs, and woman is from the truth of man and of man's origin and is not alien. Man has no right to say I am superior to woman, but man is in charge of housing and woman is in charge of peace, and providing housing is a normal task, but peace and tranquility is achieved with spiritual peace and this is not easily possible for men.”

He said, “A series of works is a tool for silences, but not peace! Silence does not solve a problem, but it is peace that solves problems. Anesthesia and numbness do not solve a problem. it is that solemnity that solves the problem of society. Although a man can take on a large variety of the works, but they are not a manifestation of peace. Islam fought against the ignorance that buried girls alive and laid the foundation of a civilization and said that human has a divine color and live after death. Providing for both girls and boys is Allah’s responsibility. Man and woman are both from the same origin, but the woman is responsible for peace and solemnity, and the perfect example of that is Hazrat Fatima Zahra, peace be upon her. A perfect human being who is not only a teacher of women but a teacher of men and an honor for the human society.”


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