02 03 2025 1271795 ID:
The wisdom of worship;

The wisdom of fasting is meeting and loving Allah.

Isra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated in valuable book of "Hikmat Ibadat" (wisdom of worships) about the explanation of the philosophy of fasting and the reward of the person who fasts, "In some narrations, it is stated that you should fast because you lose the freshness and...


Isra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated in valuable book of "Hikmat Ibadat" (wisdom of worships) about the explanation of the philosophy of fasting and the reward of the person who fasts, "In some narrations, it is stated that you should fast because you lose the freshness and sparkles of the other months; Because they are false and fleeting happiness. When a person fasts and adheres to it, he gradually realizes the inner meaning of fasting. The inner meaning of fasting leads a person to meet Allah, which Allah the Almighty said, «الصّوم لى وأنا أجزى به» [1] Fasting is mine and I personally reward it. These words are just only have been said about fasting.

The fact that Allah has said: Fasting is mine, conveys a feature that is remarkable and notable; Sometimes a person has not eat from dawn to iftar; This is a degree of fasting; It is an effort not to burn in the resurrection or to enter heaven; جنّاتٌ تجري منْ تحتها الأنهار﴾[2] such a Paradise! But would not reach and enter to the paradise which is ﴿فادْخلي في عبادي ٭ وادْخلي جنّتي﴾[3] fasting, while it has a special manner and rule, it also has a wisdom that is the meeting and love of Allah. This hadith creates enthusiasm in a person to fall in love. One does not strive until he is eager, and would not succeed until he strives. When fasting belonged to Allah, Allah personally took the responsibility to reward the fasting person.

One of the differences between fasting and other acts of worship is that, regarding other acts, angels come to greet the believers at the time of death and say, ﴿سلامٌ عليكم طبْتم فادْخلوها خالدين﴾[4]] They open the gates of heaven and say you can enter from any gate you want. But about the fasting person, Allah the Almighty said: I will reward myself. This is not part of the rules and rituals of fasting; Therefore, it is not included in the series of obligatory and recomanded rules that discussed in jurisprudence, nor in the discussion about the rituals of fasting; Rather, it is one of the wisdoms of worship that how a person reaches a place where God Almighty directly takes the responsibility for rewarding him."

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli emphasized on paying more attention to the wisdom of fasting as much as it  is possible, "Allah blesses those Awliya who fast a Mostahab fasts and give their share of iftar to orphans, captives, and the pooris with﴿جنّاتٍ تجري من تحتها الأنهار﴾[5] but Allah also tell them ﴿فادْخلي في عبادي ٭ وادْخلي جنّتي﴾ higher cause. But those who fast in order to enter heaven and to use its pleasant fruits are only doing a kind of business.

Source: Hikmat of E'ebadat by Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli


[1] Rouwzah Al-Motaqeen 3\225 some read this hadith in a different way which means "fasting is for me and I am the reward for it" (Nahayah by Ibn Atheer 1\270

[2] Surah Al-'Imran 15

[3] Surah Al-Fajr 29-30

[4] Surah Al-Zumar 73 for the Hadiths about Hereafter look in Tafsir Noor Al-Thaqalain 4\506,507, Bihar 6\139, Elm Al-Yaqeen 2\1060

[5] Surah Al-Baqare 25


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