11 01 2023 938502 ID:
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Morteza Javadi Amoli stated:

Today's troubles are the result of disrespect for the Hadith of Thaqlain

Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Morteza Javadi, while pointing to two theological-religious and social-political aspects of the Hadith of Thaqalain, stated, " We must now return to this same hadith, otherwise what the modern society and modern human has does not look beyond nature.


Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Morteza Javadi, while pointing to two theological-religious and social-political aspects of the Hadith of Thaqalain, stated, " We must now return to this same hadith, otherwise what the modern society and modern human has does not look beyond nature.

The second conference on the Qur'an and Etrat from the perspective of Islamic scholars was held on Tuesday 10th, January 2023 at the building of the Great Islamic Encyclopedia.

Morteza Javadi Amoli, professor of Howzeh Qom, gave a speech in this conference. We present you with some points of his speech.

I will try to discuss with you "the place of Hadith Thaqlain in the Islamic world". The highest point of these discussions, which refer to the issues of the Qur'an and Etrat, is found in this noble hadith. if it were not for this hadith, the position of the Qur'an and Etrat and the relationship between the two would not be clear. The Prophet (PBUH) had two serious concerns, one is that he was the last prophet of Allah and he had to organize the end of this line of prophethood and the chain of prophethood. He had to organize the future on the other hand. These two were the main concerns of the Prophet (PBUH). It was very difficult for Hazrat In the last days, especially knowing what would happen. So, at the end of his life, he repeated this hadith on different occasions.

The hadith of Thaqlain is the fundamental statements of the Prophet (PBUH).

This hadith is stated in an extremely decisive and unbreakable text and is one of the firmest hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH). Our prophet said: «إني تارك فيكم الثقلين ما إن تمسكتم بهما لن تضلوا بعدي كتاب الله و عترتي أهل بيتي و إنهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا علي الحوض» "I [Muhammad] left among you two treasures which, if you cling to them, you shall not be led into error after me. The book of God [Quran], , and [the second one is] my progeny, my Ahl al-Bayt. They shall not drift apart until they enter my pole (of Kowthar)." This hadith, is under the comprehensive title for Hadithes as " general aspects of Hadith". Also, two other aspects of the hadith are worth mentioning, one is the theological-credence and the other is the political-social aspect. Due to these two aspects, competitions and oppositions were raised around the hadith and caused this hadith to be disrespected.

Although the word "Etrat" is very dear and high status, but for some people, it was not a word that they like, so they tried to use "Sunnah" instead of the word "Etrat" and say the Prophet (PBUH) recommended the Book and the Sunnah. Another point that is worth mentioning is the comparison between the Qur'an and Etrat in the language of the Prophet (PBUH). Sunnis do not have a correct understanding of the Qur'an and the revelation of the Qur'an. Islamic scholars on the other hand, have mentioned four places for the Qur'an, from which the Qur'an was descended. In fact, the Qur'an was issued by Ali Hakim and made into fluent Arabic, and it has traveled many places along the way. This correct understanding can only be obtained from Islamic Philosopher who benefited from the inspirations of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).

More important is the topic of Etrat. When you talk about Etrat and say that Etrat was never separated from the Qur'an in any of these places, it means that since the Qur'an was with Ali Hakim, the Qur'an and Etrat were together. Some cannot believe that Etrat was with Ali Hakim. Because the high place of Atrat is unknown to this group, they cannot see the Qur'an with Etrat in the same place. So, they replaced it with Sunnah. If we accept the Sunnah instead of Etrat, then the question is, who should explain the Sunnah itself? So, they went astray and deviation has been made.

Two wings for preserving community

Unfortunately, the political and social issues of this noble hadith were not welcomed either, and for this reason, there has been a complete intentional ignoring of the hadith. The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) wanted to build a system for the past and a path for prosperity for the future, and according to his statement in the Hadith of Thaqlain, the Islamic Ummah can reach such a position based on the guidance of Qur'an and Etrat. This adherence to the Qur'an and Etrat is very important. The adherence which can maintain the society has two wings, a positive wing and a negative wing. Its affirmative wing is«يُؤْمِنْ بِاللَّهِ» "the believe in God" and its negative wing is «يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ» "reject of devil". The Prophet (PBUH) had such a wish and said that if the society wants to flourish and dignified, it must follow these two things; one is a divine book and the other is the words of Etrat Tahirah, which is equal to the Qur'an, and they were accompanied by the Qur'an in all places.

Ignoring this hadith has caused the society to be still in turmoil. We must go back to this very Hadith now, otherwise what the modern society and modern human has does not look beyond nature. The maximum thing that modern human has is nature, and if we want to cling to nature, the result is that in the western world. We witness that there is a minimum of human appearances, but it is not the humanistic essence which Allah wants to introduce from human to the world. The modern human is looking for nature and the affairs of nature, and they are obsessed with what you see today, which of course is all good and necessary, but where is the humanity? where is the human dignity? Almighty Allah wants to see himself in the face of human, and this is possible in the light of adherence to the Qur'an and Etrat.

Source: IKNA

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