Message to the National Conference of Irfan Ahl al-Bayti (AS)

01 03 2023 1140372 شناسه:


Isra NEWS Agency: The national conference of mysticism of Ahl al-Bayt was held at Qom Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought with the presence of academics and intellectuals of this field. This conference started with the video message of Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated in this message, "you know that the extent of knowledge is equal to known, from one point of view, and it is as wide as the knower view from another point of view. There is no deficiency in knowledge in the divine structure. This means from the highest point of the sky to the farthest and lowest point of the earth can be known. There is nothing in creation that is forbidden to learn or humans cannot learn; If someone cannot think or think correctly or apply his thoughts, it is his own defect and his own weakness."

He stated: Humanities, the issues of economics and business and likes are part of secondary sciences; But the main human sciences is anthropology, which is neglected. It talks about whether a person who dies is like a tree that dries up and after being green for a lifetime then it becomes firewood and is nothing anymore, or is it like a bird in a cage and death means one is getting of the cage and being free? mankind today does not think about what will happen later, at all!"

His Holiness stated, "The most important point about sciences is we should not forget that everything science has is from its subjects. firstly, the subject of knowledge is a triangle. Secondly, and if the progress of material sciences gave man the courage to mutilate this triangle, the third is, This kind of thing is good for the mortuary. It is not good for the university or Howzeh. Fourthly, a knowledge that doesn't speak and doesn't lead is better in the mortuary."

He continued, "Obviously, dead subject delivers dead knowledge, and dead knowledge does not revive the world; no longer it cannot be said that scholars are alive and are part of the living human societies."

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli expressed, "What is in the enlightened statements of the Imams (peace be upon them) has been categorized; The bottom layer is what we need to learn for solving our daily problems; He said: «مَنْ وَجَدَ مَاءً وَ تُرَاباً ثُمَّ افْتَقَرَ فَأَبْعَدَهُ اللَّه‏»; A nation that has land and water, has enough land, but if it is in need of others, if it is poor, if it has economic problems, may Allah distance this nation from His mercy."

He stated, "Critics should act thoughtfully both in learning sciences and in examining the effectiveness of sciences. Critics should know what kind of science is necessary for today's mankind. Firstly, how should this science be transferred to the society, secondly, how to raise the level of the society, and thirdly, how to have an educated society."

His Eminence said, "If they say criticize, it means to give advice. Advice is not speaking, writing to protests. These are the adjacent to advice. In Arabic it called "Nasiha" and it comes from the sewing needle and the tailor is called Naseh which means the one who do "Nasiah". If they say that you should give advice to your officials, it means that you should make a garment that is suitable for the Islamic Republic's system, which protects both its status and the status of others. Otherwise, criticizing does not mean giving advice to Muslims and giving advice to Muslim leader. Keeping the system, advising and working with the "Mansahe" is an advice that we hope the review board will pay attention to this exact point."



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