Ma'araj Institute of Revelation Sciences

Introduction of Maaraj Research Institute


1. Compilation and organization of interpretive, jurisprudential, philosophical and mystical works and thoughts of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.
2. Explaining and introducing the intellectual and scientific methods and methods of His Holiness.
3. Research on new topics and issues with the approach of the foundations and thoughts of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.


1. Explaining the foundations and theoretical frameworks of Islamic knowledge and its development to new fields.
2. Bringing the Qur'an and the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) to the context of individual and social life and making them understandable according to the conditions and requirements of the Islamic society and the contemporary world.
3. Rational defense of religious concepts and teachings according to the diverse levels and needs of the audience.
4. Proving the effectiveness of religion in responding to modern and generational needs.


1. Identifying the needs and challenges facing the society, religious thought and the Islamic system and responding appropriately and on time.
2. Identifying, recruiting and training capable researchers and supporting the elite researchers of the seminary in order to provide a basis for their scientific and research activities.
3. Providing scientific resources and studies to facilitate research in the field of Islamic culture and education.
4. Communication and active interaction with organizations, institutions, personalities, scientific and cultural elites and scientific and research institutes and centers to improve the level of research.
5. Knowledge and systematic introduction of religious teachings and propositions at the community level.
6. Deepening religious knowledge through the explanation and interpretation of the verses and teachings of the Holy Quran according to the general and specialized needs of different sections of the society.
7. Compilation and introduction of the tradition and way of the family of purity and purity (peace be upon them) and presenting effective individual and social models in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the Islamic society and the contemporary world.
8. Study and research about intellectual and religious currents influencing the Islamic world and the contemporary world and innovation in the expression of Islamic teachings and knowledge according to the needs of Islamic societies.
9. Study and research in the field of methods of intellectual upliftment and spiritual upliftment of different strata of society according to their capacities and dimensions.
10. Dissemination of scientific and research products according to the characteristics and diverse needs of the audience.
11. Identifying and establishing scientific communication with scientific and cultural gatherings and elites around the world and strengthening scientific and international interactions and exchanges.

Principles and policies
1. The centrality of the teachings of the Qur'an and Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).
2. Emphasis on the scientific view and observance of scientific norms and standards in performing duties and activities.
3. Emphasizing the participation of collective reason in planning and decision-making and the effective use of the power of elites and experts.
4. Supporting group work and intellectual synergy and transferring the experiences of the human force to each other through the development of the space of participation and information exchange.
5. Expertise-oriented view in delegating powers and responsibilities.
6. Emphasis on mastery, comprehensiveness and systematic thinking in making decisions and performing tasks.
7. Emphasizing the role of education, belief creation and the growth and flourishing of talents and creativity in planning and decision making.
8. Paying attention to understanding the specialized needs of the audience and guiding them effectively based on religious principles and foundations.
9. Idea generation and theorizing in the field of Islamic science and thought and effort to meet the research needs of the Islamic Republic.
10. Paying attention to the thoughts of the Imam (RA) and the directions of the jurist in research activities.
11. Paying attention to the foundations and opinions of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in researches and compilation of works.
12. A comprehensive approach to all fields of exegetical, philosophical, theological, mystical, jurisprudential and legal research.
13. Maintaining and promoting organizational culture by strengthening the atmosphere of trust, creating a friendly and cheerful environment, organizational attachment and credibility of expertise, skill and scientific capability.
14. Advancement in the field of research by acquiring, using and improving modern technologies and methodologies and designing new products that suit the needs of the audience.

