​​​​​​​Is it better to pray or Edison's inventions?

29 09 2021 113722 شناسه:

​​​​​​​​​Prayer is the link between the creation and the Creator, and the pillar of religion and cannot be compared with anything. It should be noted that inventions and worship are two separate issues and cannot be measured together.

If someone believes in the origin and resurrection, like Mr. Edison, who was a Christian and believed in God, such a person, if he works according to his religion and keeps God's pleasure in mind, his reward is reserved and rewarded in the hereafter.

Prayer is the source of all goodness and cannot be compared to inventions. With the blessing of prayer, the rest of our actions are accepted:

Indeed, the first of us will be counted as a servant of prayer, if you are accepted before us, those who are righteous" [1] No substitute for prayer can be found that has the blessings of prayer.

Al-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 268.

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