What is the purpose of the creation of the universe?

29 09 2021 113746 شناسه:

​​​​​​​We all face this question inside ourselves, why were we created? The answer to this question is possible by stating two things: firstly, what is God's purpose in creating the world and man, and secondly, what is our purpose in being created?

In response to the first question, we must say that this question is not correct in general, because God is the goal; Not that it has a purpose. By doing anything, everyone seeks to eliminate their defects and reach perfection. Therefore, reaching perfection is meaningless for the God of Absolute Perfection, but it is said about Absolute Perfection that He is Absolute Perfection and Pure Goodness, and one of the branches of perfection is kindness and generosity, from such an inherent goodness, benevolence and kindness are issued. It could be that it is the essence of existence. Existence is the best.

In response to the second question, it should be said that man is a creature that thinks and works, so he must have a goal for his thoughts and work. The Holy Qur'an introduces the purpose of man's creation as his divine view of the universe: ﴿Allah, who created the seven heavens and the earth like them, sends down the matter between them, so that you may know that God is over all things, mighty and mighty﴾1. This collection was created so that you can see the world with a divine view and know that all of this is the creation of a source, a source that is the same as power and knowledge, and nothing is beyond the scope of his knowledge and power.

Belief in a principle with infinite knowledge and power is productive for us; In this way, because he knows everything, so we are careful not to be infected with sin, and because he is capable of everything, we share things with him and only ask him.

Of course, some creatures are closer to God and are superior to others in terms of perfection, and you can appeal to them and seek intercession from them. Intercession and appeal are not against monotheism, nor agree with polytheism, but compatible with pure monotheism. Now we all drink water when we are thirsty; When we need light, we get help from the sun. In fact, we have resorted to the sun for light and water to quench our thirst; It means that we resort to the sun; Not to consider the sun as the source of light.

When we appeal to the family of innocence and purity (peace be upon them), which are the water of life and absolute light, we do not consider them the source of existence, but the same way we drink water to stay alive, from the water of life and life of this family. We use it to become a scholar. The Holy Qur'an introduces one of the goals of human creation as the acquisition of knowledge; The knowledge that brings him to God and keeps him away from relying on anything other than God.

In the practical part, it is stated in the final verses of Surah "Dhariyat": The purpose of creation of man and jinn is worshiping God and avoiding other than God. Because human beings have a religion in any case and adhere to a divine or non-divine law. If this is a divine law, then the person's religion is Islam: ﴿In the religion of God is Islam[3] and surely this person obeys the commands of God and avoids his prohibitions.

But if someone does not follow this path and puts his soul in God's place, he is a fan. Some people say: I do whatever I want, I go wherever I want and...; That is, my religion is regulated according to my whim. God Almighty said in the Holy Qur'an about this: Such a person is a fan. Therefore, man is either a god-worshiper or an air-worshiper; Based on this, the Holy Quran said: Man should be God-fearing in his actions and God-seeing in his opinions. The set of these two scientific and practical goals explains the creation of man.

As mentioned earlier, this question about God, what is God's purpose for creation, is not valid, because the imperfect agent must have a goal that he strives to achieve, so between the agent and the goal, there is work and effort, so that The subject achieved its perfection; But if that agent

was infinite and pure perfection, it would no longer need work and effort to reach the destination.

It is stated in Surah Ibrahim: ﴿You and I are disbelievers in all the earth, for God is the most praiseworthy[5]; If all the people on the earth become unbelievers, there will be no defect in God and no deficiency will be created for Him.

Some work for profit; For example, they build a house to live in or sell it. Their purpose in building a house is to benefit the owner of the house; Sometimes the purpose of building a building is not to make a profit, but to make money; Like someone who is in a good financial situation and builds a dormitory for students to help the advancement of science and knowledge; He does not profit, but cheats; If he does not do this, he is incomplete, because he wants to achieve Jood and Sakha, which is a perfection.

God Subhan is neither from the first category, nor from the second category; He did not create the world to make a profit, nor is he looking for it to reach perfection. He is Ghanî aan-e al-Alamin[6]. A person who is pure existence and pure perfection, does not need work and effort to reach perfection, but because he is the same as perfection, joy and happiness emanate from him; He is the goal, but he is the same as the goal.

[1] - It is God who created the seven heavens and the earth like them. (His) command comes down among them so that you know that God is able to do everything and that God's knowledge is all-encompassing (Surah Talaq, verse 12).

[2] - Surah Dhariyat, verse 56.

[3] Undoubtedly, the (true) religion with God is Islam; Surah Al-Imran, verse 19.

[4] - Have you seen the person who took the breath of his soul as his God? Surah Furqan, verse 43.

[5] Surah Ibrahim, verse 8.

[6] Undoubtedly, God is not in need of the worlds (Surah Al-Imran, verse 97).


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