26 05 2024 2717620 بطاقة تعريف:

The Originality of Shiism

 Shiism is not after Ali bin Abi Talib, but before Ali bin Abi Talib. The expression of this is that we have a school called Shia and we have a group called Shia, this school came at the same time as the Qur'an and the first person who supported this school and promoted this school and believed in this school was the beloved Prophet himself Alah Alaf Al-Tahiya and Al-Sana), then Siddiqa Tahira and Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon them) and other Ahl al-Bayt, then the people. Shia means a group that follows Ali bin Abi Talib, but Shia means a school that says that God and the successor of the Prophet must be infallible, and that perfect human being is not infallible except Ali and his children (peace be upon them). The one who believed in this school was the Prophet himself, because ﴿Amen to the Messenger of God, with what has been sent down from his Lord and the believers﴾.[1]
 The school of Shia is different from Shia and a special group. The first founder and believer of the Shi'ite school was the holy essence of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Amir. If the existence of the blessed Messenger of God believes in his mission, the existence of Hazrat Amir also believes in his guardianship, this is the school of Shia, so if someone does not accept the guardianship and if someone does not consider the blessed presence of Hazrat Amir (peace be upon him) as the immediate caliph. So it's safe for anything."

[1]. Surah Baqarah, verse 285.


:books: Speech at Ghadir International Congress
Date: 11/08/2013


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