Divine Revelation
Man's thought and intellect is a good #lamp, but a lamp without a #path cannot solve the problem! Thus, even if you hold the sun in your hand, where do you want to see in case there were no path? The intellect has no part in engineering the religion; neither has created the subject, nor the predicate, and nor has the knowledge of the relationship between the subject and the predicate, #Aql (Intellect) is neither the originator of the religion! Nor a legislator! It's just a good lamp. [It is the] The prophets who show the [right] path. God created the subjects, God created the predicates, God created mankind, God created the relationship between man and the world, God created the relationship of the world "some of them with some others", therefore, He must determine the religion [as He is the one who has created all]. Not even a minute part of the religion is issued by the intellect. Intellect is just a good lamp, not the legislator. Intellect is only a good jurist. Now, if there were no path, no matter how good, glowing, and knowledgeable jurist the intellect might be, where such an intellect is able to see [as a traveler towards perfection stepping on the right path towards the final destination]? Therefore, as far as there is #thought, and #Reflection, there is also #revelation; This is the general principle, indicating that it is not possible for humans to live anywhere, wherein revelation would not exist. This is not possible.
:books: Surah Shuar'a, Session 22
Date: 02/02/2013
:id: @a_javadiamoli_esra