The Holy Prophet insists on saying that Ali is my soul! [1] One of the companions asked in the official meeting that how are your companions? His Holiness, then, spoke about the Companions. Then they said, “O’ Messenger of Allah, why didn't you talk about Ali! He said: "You asked me about my companions, but you did not ask about myself!" Ali is my own self! He clarified in this way and in the presence of the people! They asked the Prophet, how your companions are [What's your viewpoint about them]? His Holiness explained. The same person said, "Why didn't you name Ali [among your companions]?" The prophet answered, "Your question was about my companions, not about myself!" Ali is my soul [myself, my own personality]! The status of Imam Ali was clarified in such a way, but then, despite the prophet's clarifications publicly, they denied it! [2] This is why on these days [Ghadir days] supplication and dhikr are recommended; If such works and your revivals were not, it [Ghadir] would have been forgotten!
The world is a place of counterfeiting, this is the market of counterfeiting, from monotheism to faith; Someone says I am God: “I know of no other god for you but myself”.[3] Some other says I am a prophet, the number of false prophets is not less than the real prophets! Someone says that I am the Imam who sets up Saqifah instead of Ghadir. Someone says I am a scholar, but he is one of the evil ones, and still he is considered as one of the scholars, another one is a hypocrite but says I am a believer. This world is a counterfeiting workshop; Therefore, one must be fully aware.”
[1]. Al-Amali (Li Saduq), p. 95
[2]. Manaqib Al Abi Talib (a.s) (Li Ibn Shahr Ashub); vol. 2; P. 217
[3]. Surah Qisas, verse 38.
:books: Lecture on Tafsir of Surah Shura - Session 24
Date: 07/13/2014