Hosseini's guidance / unity and harmony comes from mosques and the Hosseiniyehs / Make the Hosseiniyeh flourish

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unity and harmony comes from mosques and the Hosseiniyehs. The Moharram is upon us. Make the Hosseiniyeh flourish. The enlightening statements of #Sayyid_al-Shohda that solve the problems of the world and the hereafter must be repeated. Our morals, our manners, our ijtihad, our relationship with Allah, our on time prayer, always being #pure, this is a #life_of_an_angel, all of these are the life of Sayid al-Shohada himself (peace be upon him) and he lived this way.

He said that no one can reach his destination with sin; «مَنْ أَرَاد», if someone wants to reach the destination through a false way, as the #goal justifies the means, «مَنْ حَاوَلَ أَمْراً بِمَعْصِیةِ اللَّهِ كَانَ أَفْوَتَ لِمَا یرْجُو وَ أَسْرَعَ لِمَجِی‏ءِ مَا یحْذَر». This logic is a false logic that the goal justifies the means; If someone wants to reach his destination, he can't reach his destination through an invalid path, and he can't reach his destination through a forbidden path.

This is the enlightening statement of Seyyed al-Shohda that if someone wants to achieve a result by means of forbidden work, he will fall into the well sooner than others. «مَنْ حَاوَلَ أَمْراً بِمَعْصِیةِ اللَّهِ كَانَ أَفْوَتَ لِمَا یرْجُو وَ أَسْرَعَ لِمَجِی‏ءِ مَا یحْذَر» these enlightening statements of Imam Hussein must be said in these #Husseiniyyahs, those chest beatings and mourning should also be mentioned.





📚 Public speech

Date: 27/06/1396

🌐 http://news.esra.ir

🆔 @a_javadiamoli_esra


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