12 06 2024 2848605 شناسه:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli; Sahbaye Hajj: Imam Ali (PBUH)

The Gate of the Prophet's Knowledge

The Last Messenger of God stated: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali (PBUH) is its gate". 

The blessed being of the respected Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, said: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali (PBUH) is its gate", [1] we have gate and gatekeeper and his Holiness (Imam Ali) is both the gate and the gatekeeper; Because it is not possible for someone to be the gate of knowledge and not the gatekeeper not being aware of who enters and who exits. All students of theological sciences and researchers of knowledge should strive to have a deep and close relationship with the Family of Purity and Infallibility so that the blessed presence of the Commander of the believers (may God grant him peace) may permit them to pass through the gate so to enter the "City of knowledge". If someone did not believe in the blessed being of the Commander of the believers [as the immediate caliph of the Prophet and being the gate of his knowledge] or he believed but was not morally or practically related to him, such a person irrelevant to the Gate and Gatekeeper of the "City of Knowledge", and when one was not in connection, he goes astray, and he went astray, he might learn something, but that knowledge would be a burden for him. Therefore, we all must strive to enter [the city of knowledge, who is the Prophet] through the gate (Imam Ali).
We all want to enter the "City of Knowledge", because knowledge is nowhere else except the Qur'an and Etrah (Family of the Prophet)! If someone wants to know about the sciences of divine reasoning, the first source is the Qur'an, then the narration of the Ahl al-Bayt (The Prophet's Household), as the he (The Prophet) stated: "I am leaving among you, two weighty things",[2] he did not say, I only left the Qur'an among you, rather he said, I leave to you these two precious weights as the heritage of revelation, and I am the "City of Knowledge"; That is, "The city which includes both the Qur'an and Al-Etrah" and Ali (peace be upon him) is the Gate of this City; It means "the gate of City of the Qur'an and Al-Etrah", not "the gate of Etrah"! [so that] someone may claim that if I want to learn the Sunnah, I have to learn it from Ali, if I want to learn the Qur'an, I have to learn it myself, this is not the case! Therefore, "The City of knowledge is comprised of both the Qur'an and al-Etrah" and the blessed existence of the Messenger (upon him be a thousand peace and praises) contains and includes both truths, and the reality of both truths is at his disposal, and the blessed existence of the Messenger, which is the city of knowledge, means that he is both the city of the Qur'an and Etrah and the blessed existence of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), who is "the gate of the city of knowledge", meaning that he is, "the gate of the Qur'an and Al-Etrah".

[1].  Sahifah of Imam Redha, peace be upon him, p. 58; Tohaf al-Uqool, p. 430.
[2].  Uyun Akhbar al-Redha, peace be upon him, vol. 2, p. 62.


:books: Public speech
Date: 11/30/1381


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