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ویژه برنامه صهبای حج؛ با موضوع احکام و مناسک حج براساس فتاوای فقهی حضرت آيت الله العظمی جوادی آملی دامت برکاته
شناسه:2824418 -
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli; Sahbaye Hajj, The Secret of the Journey
محتوای سایت
The secret behind the journey of a pilgrim to the "House of Allah" is that other people feel comfortable of his tongue, his hand and his heart; people feel at ease regarding his tongue means that he should not ruin anyone's reputation either seriously or jokingly. Do not consider your journey [to Mecca] insignificant and you should have the...
شناسه:2824573 -
محتوای سایت
شناسه:2824543 -
محتوای سایت